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You then looked back down at the elf hugging you.
"B-BEN..." you utterd out and he looked up at you. He had streams of black going down his face and his red pupils glowed brighter as he looked at you. Then he leaned in towards your face and kissed you softly on the lips. You shockingley kissed him back. Then you herd foot steps then jeff pulled BEN off of you. Then looked at you. You saw his pupils dialate. Next thing you know hes forcefully kissing you while leaning over. He then pulled back and glared at your mom.
"NO RAPEING MY DAUGHTER ASSHOLE" she said hitting him on the head with her fist repeaditly. Then eyeless jack and laughing jack walked in. Eyeless jack ran over to you and pulled the needle out of your arm and started to look all over your body for some kind of cuts or anything. He then made his way up yojr arm to your neck then he put his face really close to the side of your head. He pulled up his mask and picked up a lock of your hair and smelled it.
"I missed you" he whisperd into your neck.
Then laughing jack pushed eyeless jack you of the way and started kissing you all over your face. You scrunched up your nose and tryed to pry him off of you. Ej jeff BEN and your mom all pulled Lj off of you. Then the bloody painter the puppiteer and the proxys all walked in and ran over to where you were sitting criss cross apple sauce in the bed. You gave them a big smile and said. " I'm ok. Trust me. Ticci toby then started to cry and the proxys all hugged you at once.
"Guys air is needed for survival..." you choked out and they let go of you. You then looked at the pupiteer and painter. They were holding a bag in their hands. You saw a big smile on the puppiteers face, and Painters mask moced up showing that he was smiling too. They walked over perfectley in sinc and handed you the bag. Puppiteer turned his face away and blushed as you took he bag. You opend it up and saw a puppet that looked EXACTLY lke you.
"I painted the face and made the clothes while Puppiteer made the puppet."
Painter spoke up.
"We finished it today...we diden't think we would ever be able to give it too you..." said the puppiteer you pjt down the doll and hugged them both.
You let them go hen asked everyone that was now crowding the room.
"Who was reading me dead pool comics while i was passed out? " everyone was silent and offender man walled into the room and smirked at you.
"I did"
Then splendy walked in and said.
"And me"
Then slenderman walked in and said with a blush
You giggled and the three slenders walked over. Slenderman gave you a hug, Splendy gave you an almost bear hug,then offendy looked away.
You then opend your arms towards him and and he looked at you with a smile amd hugged you back. He then whisperd into your ear "thats what i always liked about you" his warm breath aginst your neck sent a chill down your spine.
He let go and docter smiley walked into the room. Slender then suddenly has a mouth and said. One word.

The Funny Creepypastas (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora