Busy Busy Morning

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Kim POV: I wake up this morning at 7:00 because I have a very busy busy morning . I get out of my bed and go to the bathroom start my shower . Once I'm out I rapped the tile around me and start to brush my teeth and lotion up. As I was heading to my closet  my phone started to ring and I just let it ring cause it was all the way on my nightstand on the other side of my room (Lazy right ) . I put on my under wear and put on my outfit for to day .
I walked to my mirror and was like Dammmmee u r a fine one kmsl  . I went back to the bathroom and did my hair I decided to get it cut ( first tyme having it this short) . As I was heading to leave I look at the clock and it was 8:00 now so I got my phone,purse, and keys, went down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a muffin and went out the door. As I was getting ready to crack the car up I look at my phone and had 4 miss calls from tye and 2 text frm her and my ex: jay so I decided to text tye

Tye😘👊: luv bug I have a surprise for u answer the phone Bitch
Tye😘👊: Kim u not gne get yo surprise ik yo ass up cause u got that shoot to day whit that fine ass nigga aug so answer my text u whore😝😝 love yo thoe

Me: Ight I'll call u as soon as I make it to the shoot bout I start driving bby girl

Tye😘👊: U better and u r going to love it ik u r

Jay🙅😒: Gm I'm srry for cheating uk but I still love you and plus I was drunk 😘😘😘
Me:Yea ok whatever jay
Jay🙅😒: can I take u out to eat so we can talk plezzz
Me: not today I'm very busy Mabey Friday
Jay🙅😒: ok just give me a chance
Jay🙅😒:Ight Friday at 3pm sounds gud
Me: yea ok bye Jay
Jay🙅😒: see u later bae
Me:😑😑😑boy stp gtg
  So I put my phone down an started the car . 5 mins later I was bumping yg left-right while smashing my banana muffin. Yg is a fine as hood nigga if we ever meet his ass gone be mine kmsl.After a while of driving I made it to the shoot and I was guessing august Alaina was already here cause a big tour busy was out side . As I walk in all I heard was hay , hay , sup, u cute , and go to ur dressing room be ready in 15  so that's what I did......

Tye Pov: Man kimmy no I can't hold water why she taking for ever to call me  like fr tho it's for u dummie .  I swear it's kind of hard having a model friend and me being a part tyme stripper( don't nobody no but me ) and having my own store to barley do any thing together .. It's 8:30 so I text Kim

Me: thought u was gne hit me up (LIE)
                         5 mins later
Luv bug💘🐞: O I'm srry tye I'll make it up later . I'll come pick u up at 11:50  so we can talk over lunch or go shopping .

Me: Ummhmm U better not be late not no 11:51 nor higher motherfucker

Luv bug: Ok luv u bestie

Me: luv u two lil Gurl

Kim POV: So I got dressed in this black and white swimsuit that was making me look hella fine , makeup was done , and the lady put sum weave in my hair to make it longer because I cut it .
Producer: Kim u can go on set
Ok I'll be right there I sed as I got up and looked at my self and walked on set. As soon as I got there august eyes lit up and he started licking his lips still eyeing me down .                                       (10mins into the shot)
The photographer tell august to hug over me while both of us is facing front  and he does as told but while doing that he whispers in my ear and sed I was looking good and was being corny talking bout did I fall from Tennessee because I'm the only ten he see. I was kmsl but had to keep it together . After the shoot I got dressed in wat I came in and kept my hair long because it was gne take too long taking it out.. A couple mins later august came knocking on my door singing in stuff .
Yes mr.Alaina I sed as he came walking to the seat that was beside me .
Nun kimmy can I call u kimmy  He asked me
I sed sure  he asked how old I was and comes to find out I'm one year older than him so we exchange numbers then we log each other in as he called to see if I was not a fake number 😒 kmsl as he called I looked at the tyme 
Dame I sed he looked at me crazy
Wats wrong ma he sed I told him I had to go get my friend and he sed I Ight  I'll just text u Kim.

Tye POV: this chick got 30mins left  I swear if she's la...  I was cut off by her horn and she came knocking on my door . I open the door and she was like u ready so I sed we'll Hellooo mutherfucker we both started laughing and I locked the house up an we went to the mall .
   (At the mall)
As we walked into the mall I looked in my purse and maked sure I had ha gift 😜 it was there and I was so ready to tell but it's not the right tyme I guess I'll wait till we go to the food court.
         (Hours after they shopped they had sat down and started to eat their food)
And they talked,laughed , joked ,
It was tyme to tell kimmy wat I had to say . Kimmy about wat I had to tell u we'll u wanna know? He'll yea I wanna know she sed  then I slipped her the gifts and was just cheesing real hard and then a big smile came upon her face and she ran to me hugging me hard Af I swear Sumtymes I wonder if she half man she strong af . Anyway we was heading to the car when this dude was behind us and he sed I had a fat ass and when I was gne let him hit when he sed that I must of snapped cause I turned around and hit that nigga  like I was Floyd Maywether  ( baby Maywether bitch) then me and kimmy ran off laughing hard af to the car she told me to drive cause she dident want to lazy ass. Turns on radio and I just wanna party comes on by yg 👌👌

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