who? what? where? when am i going to save wonderland?

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been busy sorry i haven't been updating the story!! anyway here you go:

Hatter POV

Everything hurts. Even my hair hurts. And when I finally woke up all the lights were out so I assumed everyone was out. But it turns out I was still out and I was seeing everything in third person. Trippy, I know, but I got to perve out on arron. kekeke.

   When i did wake up I shot out of bed like a cat out of water, and intense pain shot through my chest making me lie back down, moaning in pain. my hands gripped my aching chest as my memories from the attack came back.


   The twins were holding their own just fine, until the ace of spades punched derek in the face, cutting his lip and giving him a black eye. Of couse derek and drake being twins have special connections, like emotions and pain, they can just tell what the other is feeling. As drake cringed and spat blood, the ace of spades pummeled dereks body with quick punches and jabs.

 Chesshire took the aces head off with his long sharp claws, and several other of the queens hands,(A/N: hands referring to the queens cards.) the fight eventually led into the house, and some of the guards went upstairs towards where arron was sleeping. momentarily being distracted the hands I was fighting slashed my chest open and pushed me down to the floor while I was trying to get away.

 I heard them groan in pain and felt something warm splash on my back before the weight of the hands left from behind me. I rolled over onto my back to see the twins pummeling the hands to a mere bloody card. I got up, dealing with the pain in my chest like a boss, and sprinted up the stairs.

 The hands were trying to take down the closet doors when I got up to arrons room. I immeadiatly,  after I heard a whimper I assume from jack, I saw red. No pun intended. Blood went everywhere across the room as I ripped the hands apart.

 When they were gone there limbs scattered around the room, chesshire came in and took in the bloody scene with an awed look on his face. He came over to me when he saw the bloody gashes on my back and chest. I heard blue dragon speaking to arron in the closet, then the closet door wrenching open.

 "Aaron? I need you to be brave, okay? Brace yourself"

I barely heard the others talking as I felt the exahustion of blood loss and fighting began to take over me. I felt the warm blood all over my body as I fell down. I heard everyone being rushed out as I felt someone pick me up. I can't remember anything else after that though, I mean I could feel the warmth of a persons body heat wrapping around me like a blanket and the coldness of the antiseptic and bandages on my skin.


I sat up in bed holding my chest in pain. The pain was so intense I began to scream and I heard the thumping footfalls of several people down the hall.

"HELP ME!!" I screamed into the walls jack came running in with the bottle of pain pills and vodka and handed them to me immediatly. I hastily unscrewed the lid and took out four tablets, shoved them in my mouth and chugged the vodka, loving the burning sensation it left in my throat making me feel warm all over. As the pain began to subside I found my voice.

"Thank you jackson." I said my voice raspy. He had a soft smile on his face as Aaron came in and sat down beside me, a worried expression marring his beautiful features. i gave him a soft smile when he started to brush my hair out of my eyes.

 "Why the long face air?" I asked him. His eyes quickly teared up as he looked at me.

 "You got hurt because of me, If I hadn't come here then you wouldn't have gotten hurt. This is all my fault!!" he choked out as big fat tears rolled down his cheeks. I wiped his tears away with the pad of my thumb. "why would it be your fault? I would have gotten hurt wether or not you were here, so stop blaming yourself. okay? promise me you will not blame yourself."

He looked hesitant when I first asked him and shook his head more tears falling. It broke my heart to watch him cry because of me.

"Promise me air, promise me you will not blame yourself." I asked more insistently. I noticed jack had silently gotten up to give us more privacy. arrons pink eyes were blood shot from all of his crying and almost red.

"I-I P-promise, H-hat-tter" he stuttered.

"see that wasn't so hard" I smiled as he came and hugged me around the waist being careful of my chest, and fell asleep. My smile grew wider when hesnuggled into my bodysoftly snoring.  'I'm starting to fall for this kid." I thought as the dark tendrils of sleep took over my body and put me in a deep sleep.


I'm sorry I haven't updated the story at all I've been dealing with some family problem and school drama. anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!

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