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"Are you sure about this?" Brendan asked me, still frowning.

I wouldn't be surprised, though. If he chose to be something else, then I'd be frowning all the time too.

"Yeah." The tension started getting thicker again, his blue eyes avoided my.. blue eyes.

"Yo, little bro, saying goodbye to May, are you?" Ruby asked, closing the wooden door behind him.

Ruby and Brendan were twins. The only difference were their slight height difference and eye colour.

"Yeah." Brendan replied awkwardly. "Bye May."

I kissed his cheek and waved goodbye.

Mudkip suddenly jumped into his trainer's arms.

"Kip?" It tilted its head cutely.

"Yes, Mudkip. Soon, I'll tell her." Brendan mumbled to the pokemon.

Tell me what? He can tell me anything. I'm his best friend..

..... Right?


I sat next to the tree I'd bumped into, the wheel of my bike was buckled and impossible to move by myself, sighing.

How did I do this? Well, being the clumsy person I am, I'd admit, I accidentally slipped on a slicked path.

"Hey, you okay there?" It was a guy around my age, or maybe younger. He had ink black hair and russet orbs, his hat was tipped slightly to the side and a Pikachu on his shoulder and an older guy with closed eyes behind him.

"Yeah." I replied, embarassed that these guys were worried of my clumsiness. It's not exactly the best suit I have. "Who are you, anyway?"

"My name is Ash Ketchum!" He beamed, raising his right arm in a 90-degree flex. "And I'm going to be a Pokemon League Champion!"

Oh that's great, a weird guy.

He doesn't look as bad as some guys though, not good but not bad. His looks are so-so.

"I'm planning on being a coordinator." I told him, wobbily trying to stand up. In a desperate attempt, I collapsed on the heap of dirt again.

Ash helped me up, the older guy introduced himself soonafter. His name is Brock, the both of them came from Kanto.

I think I can trust them.

"I'm May." I told them, dusting off dirt and whatnot.

His cap kind of reminds me of Brendan's hat. There's the same pattern at the center.

I kind of miss him. We grew up together as children. He's probably my only best friend, and there's only less than 10 people in our town.

I decided to trust him enough and travel with him.

Ash started talking about his adventures in Kanto, how he had a best friend named Misty, and the talk revolved almost everything about her.

Misty seems like a kind but scary girl..


"Wait!!" I yelled at the boat around 20 feet away from us.

I flailed my arms around wildly in an attempt to catch the sailor's attention. "Wait, wait, wait!!! Stop!!"

I probably looked like I completely lost my mind. A few passerbys looked weirdly at me and one of them shouted, "Hey!! If you don't keep it down, I'm fining you!"

But we missed the ferry anyway. It was driving me even crazier.

With a discontented sigh, we left the port soonafter.

The next boat comes 4 hours later, and the heat is killing me. Ash and Brock were sweating a lot as well, and the next ferry isn't airconditioned. How great, right?


With nothing else to do, we decided to head back to Petalburg so we could eat.


"Here is a new episode from *grooowl* May's expeditions." I did the camera focal thing but put it down, too hungry to continue explaining the situation we were in. "We're lost in the woods and we have nothing but porridge. Again."

"Porridge? Again?" Ash repeated, frowning deeply.

Brock was cooking the same food we've eaten for five straight days because we got lost in the woods again.

Take it from me, I like porridge but eating the same kind of food everyday isn't part of my eating plan.

The three of us sighed. "Itadakimasu.**" And started to eat, lifting the silverware to our mouth.

The same taste filled my mouth, it wasn't like dancing unicorns anymore.


"WE MADE IT!!" Ash yelled, putting his fists up in the air. "May! Brock! We made it!"

He started celebrating a lot, as if he just won the lottery.

Well, I'm glad we're out of the woods, either way. No more packed porridge for now!!

"I'll find a ramen place here, then, let's eat some decent food." Brock told us, smiling in joy.

"Yay! Food!!" Ash and I high-fived, and went to follow Brock.

I'm not sure if I was hallucinating or not, or if it's a Pokemon, but I think I saw something green out of my peripheral vision.

Oh!! Yay! Finally, that's done..
**-referring to bon appetit or the more informal 'dig in' said before eating.

I'm doing a made-up Ash gym battle (some of the scenes, if not most, are made-up, which I know you can tell) before May goes to her first contest.

©kiri-chan 2K15

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