"Shut up already"

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As we got closer to the car Rickis grin got bigger.

"Who was that!" She asked with big eyes.

"I dont know, just a guy"

"Just a guy thay wants to see you around" she said wiggling her eyebrows up and down

"Drop it Ri....drink your coffee" I said getting into the car.

"Ugh borrrringgg" she said as she took her first sip.

" oh my goodness, Alex, you need to try this, its so good"

As I drove off, I gave her a "really Ricki?" look

"Dont really Ricki me" she pouted," im serious. Its super good",

"Whatever you say Ri" I said with a smile, "lets just get to school"

"Ok; but dont think for a second im not going interrogate you later about that mysterious cutie"

"His names Ben.."

She gasped.

"You know his nameee!  Ooh! Ben. Hmm. Nice name for a nice face."

"Again I repeat, youre so weird"

"I know" she replied with a giant grin

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