3 months later

43 2 0

Dolly's POV

They left me why. I walked into an adoption center and a little girl with long, blond hair and grey blue eyes came up to me.

"My name is Rose" she said.

I knew I had to give her the family I never had. I signed the adoption paper and carried her out. I figured out that she was 4 years old. She was going to be my little angle and I would forget about every thing that they gave me.

~3 months later~

Dolly's POV

I was putting on my blue tanktop and a black leather jacket with jeans and white tennis shoes. I walked out my bed room and to the kitchen. I grabbed the pancake batter and started making pancakes.

"Hi mommy" I heard my beautiful adopted daughter Rose say.

"Hi darling want some pancakes" I ask Rose.

"YEA MOMMY" Rose said as she scurried to the table where a plate of pancakes awaited her.

I watched as she ate her pancakes and getting all messy. I chuckled and picked her up. I started towards the bathroom to get a bath for her. I watched as she jumped into the bathtub playing with her barbies.

~after le bath~

I got her a blue t-shirt and shorts down for Rose. She was wearing blue flip-flops. But she asked me a heart shatering question.

"Mommy do you have any family" she asked.

"I used to hun but they left me" I explain.

She nodded her head. I picked her up and walked out the door. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me and Rose into the woods. I could hear Rose crying.

"M-mommy I'm scared" I hear Rose cry.

"I am too honney I am too" I say trying to comfort her.

"Dolly is that you" I hear a firmiler voice say.

"Who are you" I say trying to calm my little Rose.

"Ben Dark and Sweets" I hear a female voice say.

"Who" I ask.

They walk out of the shadows. I gasp and look at Rose. She was crying a water fall.

"Who is this" Sweets said walking over to Rose.

"My daughter LEAVE HER ALONE" I say and Doll buts in.

"Y-your daughter WHO DID YOU MARRY WHERES THE RING" Ben shouted.

"I didn't marry I- ADOPTED HER NOW LEAVE US ALONE" I say Doll butting in once again.

"Oh ok the way back is that way" Dark said pointing at a row of trees.

I walk the way Dark pointed and held Rose tighter. Rose looked at me tears staining her face. I smiled lightly at her. I walked until I saw our home.

Aren't you a doll *Adopted by CreepyPasta*Where stories live. Discover now