Part 14

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Anna: Me and Becca got into a car accident but im fine now don't freak out.

Luke: Is it okay if I come in?

Anna: Yeah its fine.

Anna's Mom: Anna who is that?

Anna: That's what I came here about. Mom, this is Luke my boyfriend.

Luke: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Anna: Well, Me and Luke came to talk to you about a few things.

Anna's Mom: Okay, would you guys like a drink and lets go sit in the living room and discuss these things you guys want to talk about.

Anna: Yes please. I will take a tea like normal.

Luke: Sure. I will take a Water.

Anna's Mom: Okay. Guys go have a seat in the living room I will be in there with the drinks in a minute.

Anna: *whispers to Luke* Im nervous about this.

Luke: Me too babe.

Anna's Mom: Here are the drinks. So what did you guys want to talk about?

Luke: I am in a famous band called 5 seconds of summer. Your daughter and her friend had won our contest to meet us and when I found out they were in a car crash we cancelled the concert just to meet your daughter and her friend. Well your daughters friend is dating Michael and im dating your daughter and we already talked to our manager and other band members about them joining us on the rest of the tour which is for another 12 weeks and the reason why I am here is to get your permission to allow your daughter to join us .

Anna's Mom: No I will not allow it. First off I don't even know who the fuck you are. Second, she's 17 years old. Third, She has a broken leg.

Becca: Hey Mom, just let her go I will be with here to protect her and keep an eye on her.

Anna: Mom, you are being unfair first off and second im almost 18 I can take care of myself im going whether you like it or not.

Anna's Mom: you step one foot out that door you will be grounded.

Anna: Go ahead and ground me then it wont matter because its not like you ever cared before and I will be a legal adult in 4 weeks anyways.

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