chapter 2

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doll pov:

i woke up this morning at nine this morning because someone was coming to see me. When i got out of my bed i went to take a shower and get dressed.After i got dressed i went to do my makeup and do my hair and by the time i was finished it was 10 and they should be here now. When i walked down stairs i heard two people talking and saw non other the Cory fucking Taylor. i nearly past out. 

Lily shouted me in to the office and told me sit down and what happened next changed everything.

"doll... this is your father Cory Taylor." said lily

i sat there with my mouth open like wtf is going on.lily said that i didn't know about him because he didn't know about me till a few days ago because my mum never told him that i was born or even going to happen

After 10 minutes i got told to go pack my things because im leaving with him because he is my father.

When we got in his car he asked me if i wanted music on and i said yes. When the first song came on it was slipknots. I started to sing and scream to the song without realizing it till the song had stopped and Cory was looking at me wide eyed. I could feel my self start to blush because my cheeks started to get really hot.

"that was...amazing were did you learn to sing and scream like that" said Cory

" i taught me self when i was home alone when mum would work" i said back

After about 2 hours of driving we pulled up to this massive house and Cory motioned me to get out of the car so i did. I grabbed some of my bags and went in to my new home. Cory put my stuff down in the hallway.

" do you want me to show you your room" cory asked. i just nodded and got my bags and followed him to my new room. When i got in my room it was all black with red to add a bit of color. The room was massive. i love it.

"do you like you new room doll"

"No... i love it thank you" i smiled He hugged me and left me to unpack

After i unpacked i went down to eat dinner and dad said he need to talk to me about something thats happening very soon. When we got in the living room i sat down on the couch and so did dad. 

"Doll im i have to got on a world tour in 2 weeks and because i have you your going to have to come with us"i just nodded and went to my room and slept. 

Next day      

i woke up think about the day my mum got killed. i ran to the bathroom and grabbed my bag and found my blade i did several cuts on my thighs and stomach. After that i got in the shower. After about 10 minutes i got out and got dresses (will be in external links). After that i did my makeup and dried my hair. After that i straighten my really long hair and back combed it. Once i was finished i went to change me piercings to all black in my lip and a skull clicker for my septum.  When i went down stairs i saw dad and went to sit on the couch. When he saw me he said " the bands im touring with are coming over in  2 hours and so is the rest of my band." i just nodded. iv never fan girled over meeting a band  and i have met a lot because my mum worked at the concert place so it works out 

"do you play any instruments" dad asked

"ye,  sing,scream,bass,drums, guitar and violin" his mouth just dropped and i went skipping to my room and listened to Marilyn Manson  and Metallica. I sang/screamed to every word. I heard the door bell ring but i stayed in my room but just stopped singing because i don't want to be heard.  Compared to most people im really small but my mums tall and dads not that small. I hear my dad shout me to come down so i turned my music of and get up. Lets go shock some people with my really petite frame and my very tiny height and my big red hair. When i got down stairs i saw all of slipknot and new years day. I have met nyd before and there my friends so when they see me there mouths drop but then Jeremy runs to me and picks me up and all of slipknot look at us like were mental so me and nyd burst out laughing. After i hug all of nyd and im on Jeremys back we explain how we know each other. after about 10 minutes the door bell rings and dad opens it and income miw. Me still being on Jeremys back confuses them and they don't know who i am, also me being on Jeremy back makes me look taller because of it. 

"hi guys the person on Jeremy back is my daughter lunar but goes by doll." they all just nodded. jeremys puts me back on the floor so im back being small and all of miws jaws drop and there eyes are wide open taking in my very small self. 

"how fucking small are you" says chris

"im 4'11 and 16 so im very small" i laugh.

After about 10 minutes i go to my room because there talking about tour so i go and put music on again and sit on my bedroom floor and just think and i hold back my tears. i start sings and screaming to bmth without knowing it till i hear someone clap and  i turn to see ash. i start to blush because nobody hears me sing . Ash starts to walking in my room and sit next to me. We start talking about tour and that im going to be on the nyd tour bus cause there isnt room for me on the slipknot with which im fine with cause there all my friends.  

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