About Last Night

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I heard loud moans coming from Luke's room and my heart broke. What if he bought a girl home and is sleeping with her? I couldn't bare the thought of Luke with someone else. I went back downstairs and out the sliding door into the back yard.

Thinking about all that happened in the past 24 hours, from Luke kissing me to Ariana confessing her love for me to hearing my brother fucking some slut. It's obvious he doesn't love me. How could I be so stupid.

He's my brother, it's so wrong.. mum would hate me if she knew how I'm feeling towards Luke. Maybe tomorrow I can just start ignoring him and my feelings for him will go away. I slowly fell asleep with the noise of Luke's moans haunting me.


I woke up to a door being slammed in the house, and I quickly sat up. My back felt like I slept on a rock oh wait, I fucking did. I crawl to the sliding door unable to stand up. Fuck Luke for bringing a girl home and fucking making me uncomfortable. I pull the door and pull myself up so I'm finally standing straight. Well Kinda.

I stretch my back, hearing every bone in my spine crack and I let out a yawn before I open my eyes and notice I'm not the only one here. Sitting at the counter less than five feet in front me is Luke. He looks up from his phone and stares at me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he says with a high pitch voice, mocking me I just know it. Remembering my plan I bite the inside of my cheek and walk to the cupboard near the sink. I fill a glass up with water and grab some aspirin from the drawer.

After gulping down half the water and my pills I set the glass in the sink and turn to face Luke. He's just sitting on his phone. I take this time to admire his lips and how they're so plump. I continue starring until I get hit in the face by Beau.

"What are you starring at?" Beau shouted at me. I squinted my eyes at him, "Nothing. I'm going to my room."
And with that I made my dash to the stairs, but of course I didn't make it. My face fell into the concrete floor and I felt blood dripping from my nose.

"FOR FUCK SAKE BEAU!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I got off the floor and noticed it wasn't Beau, it was Luke. It couldn't have been Beau because he was by the other door. They kept laughing at me until I moved my hand way from my nose and they saw all the blood.

With tears in my eyes I glared at Luke. I could see the guilt in his eyes but he didn't speak up. Covering my nose I turned and went upstairs to take a shower.

Just the more reason to hate Luke and avoid him. Midway up the stairs I ran into a petite blonde girl wearing a tight red dress. She looked me up and down and said "Did we sleep together last night?" With that I knew it was Luke. I ran to my room slamming the door.


After I hopped out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my room to find some clothes. I bent down to grab a shirt off the floor when I heard someone behind me clearing their throat. Turning around I saw Luke sitting on my bed.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.
"I just wanted to talk" he stated shyly. "What? Are you sure you don't want to make my nose bleed again?" I asked annoyed.

"Actually I was here to apologize. I just had a long night, I'm sorry." I stiffened at his words and noticed he was genuinely sorry about tripping me. I'm sure he had to bring up last night. "Yeah, about last night.." I spoke dragging out the end of my sentence. He looked down to his lap and looked hurt that I mentioned it. I decided to quickly change the topic, feeling the amount of tension in the room.

"Um, can you like leave so I can change?" He nodded his head and followed me to the door. I stopped in front of the door and was about to turn the knob. Luke kept walking until he ran into me. I felt his breath on my neck and to avoid anymore awkward tension, I opened the door and stood out of his way. I felt him kiss my neck before he left my room and wondered down the hall.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy at work. But it's okay I quit.😂 I'll have more time to update now. Please comment on parts you like or just anything. I use it as motivation to keep writing.

I love you bbys💓

Ps. Really sorry about the late update..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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