I cant take it

15 1 3

All these feelings just taking up my mind!
I hardly think about anything else except the way I cringe when I think about the mistakes I've made.
My heart can't take another break.
My feet can't take another step.
I'm upset, I won't lie.
I've never been alright.
I've always slept wishing my soul would drift away from my body, leaving me a corpse.
No one would know why.
No one would find out.
I'd love to find out what it's like,
To be truly free, to truly feel joy in the soul.
I worry about my future, I worry about my past.
This all affects me so much, I can't take it!
But I can't stop it either..
To love? To be happy?
I don't know what that's like.
I don't know what it's like to love someone and have them love you back.
Why? Because my mind is settled on my depression.
It rots my brain it kills my soul.
Please just end my misery.

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