I - Cliche

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cliche - a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought/ a stereotype or electrotype

Aubrey's POV

I'm Aubrey Williams, you could say I'm just your regular 15 year old, and I guess you could, but I'm not really.

The 'popular' girl at school, spray tan, bleached hair, nails, and eyebrows done, fancy clothes. You could say I'm living the dream, and I guess I am, but sometimes, I feel as if I am taking it for granted.

And sometimes I worry. What if all of my friends that hang out with me, only think of me as their friend because I'm pretty, and that they want the strength to be popular. I'm a bit of a worry-warts you could say.

But I'm different to your average, cliche popular girl. Unlike them, I'm kind, and I'm usually the person showing freshman around the school and helping them settle in. Although at first glance, they look slightly intimidated due to the cliche reputation of girls with a lot of friends, we end up getting along well.

I walk into the school grounds, my hair today has been straightened and I'm wearing a black mini skirt, with a black strapless top on as well, to give the affect of a strapless dress. Over the top I am wearing a blue sparkly crop jacket, and nude heels. I have the usual makeup on, concealer and foundation, mascara, eyeliner, a bit of eye shadow, and my favorite pink lipstick. I walk a few steps in, my freshly done nails wrapping around the chain strap of my black shoulder purse.

Within a few seconds I am being bombarded with a bunch of blonde bombshells.

"OMG AUBS YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!" and "OMG THIS IS LIKE SOOO EXCITING, EEKK!!" are the kind of things they are spouting at me, grabbing my arms and jumping around in excitement.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down!!" I giggle at their excitement "What is it?" I ask eagerly.

"Well, there is-" my friend Lauren tries to explain to me, however she is cut off by Hannah.

"THERE IS A NEW BOY COMING!! AND HE IS LIKE, TOTES CUTE!!!" they all burst into fits of squealing.

"Shh, guys, keep it down." I place my finger against my lips as I say this "And you guys know that I lost interest in dudes ever since I broke up with Leon, it will be a while before I will be able to forgive guys and give love a go again." I sigh.

"Aw, hun!!" Mia sighs "Wait, how about, you make us look nice for school tomorrow, and we make like, the cutest first impression EVER!!" they all nod in agreement and begin shouting loudly again and yelling out ideas about how they want their hair and nails.

"Guys!!" I have to raise my voice to get their attention. "Yes, I will be doing your hair, nails and makeup for tomorrow, and I would any time. But you guys need to keep it down! People are staring, and your creeping out the new students!" it's kind of like trying to calm down a swarm of 12 year old fan girls.

"Okay!!" Lauren says just as the bell rings, we wave and go our separate ways to our lockers to prepare for class.

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