The Placenta Fic (NSFW)

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(You know what you walked into...I hope.)

*evil laugh*


"Oh, why is my background a placenta? Dan!" Phil called out, trying to be as firm as possible while "scolding" Dan for his screensaver prank.

"You didn't notice me change it?" Dan asked, attempting to calm down from his continuous laughter.

"No. Oh, I wish I hadn't seen that. Ugh," Phil complained.

"Happy anniversary, dork."

It was their anniversary, and ever since the day before, he was almost sure Phil had a surprise planned for that night.

"Yeah, thanks," Phil teased, going into the settings on his computer to change his desktop background.

Unfortunately, as the day went by, and there was no special surprise. It sure was a tiring day, since they went almost everywhere in town, and once they came back, Dan was out like a light.


Phil opened the door to he and Dan's apartment and stealthily shut it, making sure not to alarm any of the neighbors. It was 4:00 in the morning, and it was quite suspicious for a man to be carrying a large cart through the neighborhood at this time. He rolled the cart up to the stairs and stopped, taking the bag off of the top and throwing it over his shoulder.

As soon as Phil made it up the stairs, he ran into Dan's room and placed the bag on the bed. Dan woke up confused, looking at Phil rummaging through the contents of a mysterious bag.

"What's this about?" Dan asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up to try and further understand what was going on.

"This is your surprise," Phil said, a sort of huskiness to his dark tone. Dan almost automatically got excited from just the sound of his deep voice. "I'm taking control tonight."

Dan was confused, yet at the same time, growing more frustrated as Phil stalled his big surprise.

He finally started to undress Dan, throwing each meaningless piece of clothing onto the ground beside the bed. He grabbed the rope he brought with him out of the bag and tied both of the brunet's wrists to the headboard.

"Phil," Dan groaned out of discomfort, a bit frightened. Phil chuckled and looked into the bag to pull out a jar.

"I hope you like placenta," Phil said to his flatmate with a seductive grin. Dan's eyes widened as the word rolled off his partner's lips. Words flowed in and out of Dan's brain as his heart raced, but one phrase seemed to stand out the most.

I wouldn't know what a placenta was in so much detail.

"Placenta?" Dan's voice quivered.

"Of course, what did you expect?" Phil said, stroking Dan's inner thigh, causing him to inhale sharply. He examined the jar he held. "You should be more open minded about this. Without you, I wouldn't know what a placenta was in so much detail."

There it was.

"I- uhm," the younger brit stifled. He watched as Phil took the slimy organ out of the jar, almost gagging at the immediate smell that emerged from it. It was only the beginning of his worst nightmare come true, and it could only get worse. There was no stopping it now.

"Mmm..." Phil moaned, sliding his tongue around it. "Still warm."

What the fuck. Dan calmed himself down, knowing this couldn't be worse than what he had read on the internet.

Phil began to chew on the sack-like organ, breaking it up into smaller and gooier bits. Horrified, Dan watched as Phil devoured them, blood trickling down his chin. Why the hell was eating them necessary? The sudden realization came that he wasn't eating them.

"You're insane!" Dan managed, knowing exactly what this would bring.

"Open up, Danny," Phil said, regurgitating the chewed placenta into his mouth. It barely all fit, and it tasted like hell. Dan grunted agressively trying to spit it out. "What's the matter? You want more?"

As Phil spit up the second one, Dan's gag reflexes kicked in and he threw up most of the mashed placenta, wincing at its taste lingering in his mouth. He was too scared to protest, so from there he decided he would do as Phil said.

"Don't be a pussy, Dan. This is better than a mouthful of bloody hamster."

It wasn't. In fact, he would have given anything for hamsters instead of these involatile things. And why was he still hung up about that old fic?

"I've got a lot more in store for you. These should go in much easier," Phil inquired. Dan was terrified. It was hard for him not to struggle with the taste of rotting organs on his tongue. He flipped himself onto his stomach after being directed by his flatmate to do so.

Phil began to undress himself, down to his swelling cock. He slid the placenta around on it, making for a perfect lube before shoving his dick into Dan.

"God damn it, Phil!" Dan shouted, his wrists writhing underneath the rope that bound them to his bedposts. Phil laughed maniacally.

"How do you like this, Dan? Here, this not good enough?" Dan knew what was coming next. With one fluid motion, Phil took out his dick and slid a placenta into Dan's widened ass.

"PHIL!" Dan screamed, moaning in excruciating pain afterward. One after another, he opened jars and pushed more in. Fortunately, he was done after five, and he finally stopped. Dan wasn't expecting it, but immediately after, Phil came all over Dan's back, making dan arch his back in disgust.

"Ugh!" he yelled. Phil scoffed and turned Dan back over without untying him, making his arms uncomfortably bend above him. Dan cringed and looked up at Phil once more, and saw him chewing on the remains of the reproductive organs he brought. He bent down to spit it up all over Dan. The brunette closed his eyes hard waiting for the worst part of it all, and he heard silence.

Dan gasped as he sat up, looking around his room. No Phil, no ropes, and no placentas. "Phil?" he called shakily. He heard slow footsteps from down the hall. He was trembling in his seat, worried as hell that his dream could be a reality.

"Dan? What d'you need?" Phil said groggily. He was in his cute space pajamas and a blue shirt with clouds on them. His hair was messy with bedhead, and he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Oh, nothing. I dreamt, that you- Never mind," Dan shook his head. Phil cocked his head for a moment before speaking.

"Okay. I can stay with you if y'want," Phil offered, looking into Dan's chocolate brown eyes.

"Mkay," the younger brit said, making room for Phil in his bed. They spooned, Phil's arms wrapped around his flatmate's waist.



"I'm sorry I ever told you about placentas."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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