Chapter Twenty

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It's weird being dressed by someone I don't know. It's also weird being made to wear something I'd never choose for myself. The dress, which is apparently the color of champagne and is far too glittery for my taste, hugs my figure all the way down to about my knees, where it flares out just enough for me to move my legs. It comes to an end on the floor a few feet behind me. The sleeves are also ridiculously long, like bell shapes hanging past my fingertips. I'm certain they're going to find their way into my soup or dessert.

The clothes caster flits about me, making minor adjustments to the dress. "Okay, I think we're done here." She steps back to examine me, eyes the gold key around my neck, and opens her mouth.

"I'm not taking it off," I say before she can tell me it clashes with my dress or something.

"Fine. Well, if you have no further need of me, I have other girls to dress."

"Great, I think I can handle it from here." I don't need her changing my hastily pinned-up locks into some whacked out hairdo.

"Do you remember where the throne room is?"

"Yes." We were told exactly where to assemble before dinner while having our tour around the palace earlier. We were even given a quick lesson in the dining room on which cutlery to use for which course.

The clothes caster nods and leaves to find the other guardian graduates who need help dressing. I don't know why I didn't think of it before we got here, but obviously all the Guilds that have graduation at the same time as us would send their top trainees here now. It makes sense for the Seelie Court to receive us all at the same time.

I head to the door, curling my toes in the thick carpet. The only thing I like about this outfit is the absence of shoes. Despite the finery of the clothing, it seems the trend around here is to go barefoot.

I open the door to find Ryn waiting there. I expected him to be wearing a suit, but it looks like someone was sent to dress him too. His pants are white, as is the long tunic-type top that reaches to his thighs. The top is covered in embroidery and tiny beads, and there's a glittery scarf thing hanging around his neck that reaches down to his knees on either side.

"Wow," he says when he sees me. "You look really ... sparkly."

"I know. You could probably spot me from the moon." I close the door behind me. "But you can't exactly talk since you aren't far behind in the sparkles department."

Ryn adjusts his scarf. "Yeah, I'm not a fan of traditional fae formal wear. I think the royals need to move into the modern age."

"You could suggest that to the Queen this evening. I'm sure it would make for scintillating dinner conversation."

"Right after she chops my head off." He holds his arm out to me, and I feel a thrill as I take it.

A thrill? Ugh, what has become of me? I used to get my thrills from fighting dangerous creatures; now I get them from touching Ryn's arm. I take a deep breath and try my best to remember what it feels like to be just friends with Ryn.

"So, is your visit to the Seelie Court living up to your expectations?" he asks as we descend the stairs.

"Not just yet. The tea party in the garden this afternoon kind of interfered with my exploration plans."

"Ah, yes. Drinking tea with the Queen's daughter and twenty-something other graduates. I can see how that wouldn't really be your, uh, cup of tea."

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