Why didn't you kiss me?

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I woke to the sound of sexually fuelled pants and moans. 

"Yes! Newt... Right there. Just like that. Feels so good." 

I pinched my wrist to confirm the reality that these noises were no longer featured in my dream, but instead in the hammock next to mine. This whole 'glade' experience just seems to be getting more and more weird. 

To gain a clearer view of the culprits, I opened one eye slightly. 


"Who the fuck was that?" A weak voice breathed between thrusts. 

I must've scoffed louder than I had planned. 

Minho either didn't hear my vote of disgust, or just didn't care. 

"It was nobody Newt. Keep going, I'm nearly there." He pleaded desperately. 

They continued 'going at it' like a pair of rabbits. Minho was a lot more vocal and physical than you would think. I didn't pin Minho as the type of guy to publicly screw the manwhore, but whatever. 

Minho looks severely pissed when Newt begins to slow down. "Since when do you care who sees us? Every shuck in this glade knows about our sessions." 

Gross. Respect lost man. 

"Tommy?" Newt questioned, climbing off his latest sex toy. 

"Just finish him off Newt." I coolly reply, swinging out of the hammock. 

Newt flares in annoyance, but soon composes himself back into his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. 

"If you say so Tommy." 

I take a quick look to see Minho's reaction to my presence, to quickly realise he doesn't give a shit about me right now, only caring about an orgasm. 

I turn my attention back to Newt. And his smirk. I can't believe this boy. First of all, why did God create something who looks like that? I mean seriously, it's not fair on the rest of us. And secondly, whilst creating this masterpiece, you'd think he'd of added a sprinkle of decency. 

I stalk away from the pair of gladers. 

That cannot be normal. I know we live in a glade, but that shouldn't mean we behave like animals!

I wish I could be more angry, but Newt looked so fucking attractive. His sweat glistening on his forehead, muscles rippling and hair swept off his face.

I adjust myself through my pants and try to ignore the throbbing in my lower regions.

In a desperate effort to distract myself, I decide to take a look around. Walking towards the stone walls, I feel an odd sense of need. Something about this wall feels right.

I trace my palm across the smooth surface. 

Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound comes from behind the walls. The ground begins to violently shake and the walls slowly separate.

"What...the...fuck?" I whisper in awe.

I begin to walk forward into the gap which has just been created.

Peering into the break which has formed, my jaw drops. It really is a maze. A smell wafts out of the maze and I begin to gag. It smells of blood and rotten flesh. I know the other gladers are scared of the maze and I think I'm beginning to smell why. In the distance, far away from the entrance, there is a terrible screeching. 

Whir. Click. Click. Whir. Click Click. 

"No!" An incredible force knocks me off my feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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