Chapter 2-Laughy Sapphie

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Ruby and Sapphire were still unfused,staring longingly at the other,their hands intertwined. The red gem was still emitting soft sobs,they were joyous tears,but Ruby didn't exactly welcome crying. "Sapphie~" Ruby smirked. "Have anything you wanna do~?" She asked,curious. "Hmmm...I have a couple things in mind,but it's up to you~" the blue gem answered,giggling softly. Ruby's mind raced,thinking of possibilities of things they could do together. "Aww, tell me~!" Ruby practically begged.
"Now Ruby,I I told you...I wouldn't be able to surprise you with them later~" sapphire replied,her giggling increasing. "That's my laughy Sapphie~" Ruby grinned. The blue gem blushed at the name,slightly pushing the other playfully,earning soft laugher from Ruby "Could we go....I don't know...somewhere else?'s not much fun in the living room..." Ruby inquired. "If you wish~" Sapphire nodded. Ruby stood up from the couch,bringing her love with her. She held the other in her arms,carrying the blue gem towards the temple door. They used their gems to unlock the door,smiling. Sapphire gave Ruby a soft,short lived kiss. "What are we going to do~? it's not much different here..." Sapphire stated. "Anything~" Ruby grinned "anything YOU want~" Sapphire felt her face heat up. "Ruby...! Why'd you say it like that...?" She questioned,still blushing a deep blue.

((There's a video of me covering stronger than you if you can find it,I hid it~))

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