The Guy I Dressed Up For

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"Honey please wear something nice. They'll be here any minute." My mom was at her best, trying to persuade me into wearing something 'feminine' because apparently my clothes were not feminine enough for the guests. And the best part was I didn't even know who these were or why they were ruining my perfect Friday evening.

"I don't want to mom! Why can't you just let me wear this?" I complained trying to convince my mom that my clothes were good enough for a guest that I had absolutely zero interest in impressing.

"You're wearing this Lia. You have no other choice or I might just end up taking your phone away and then grounding you." My mom threatened pointing at the dress lying on my bed.

I mentally raised my eyebrows and thought of how my mom was threatening to ground me if I didn't wear feminine clothes. I mean, what had the world come to?!

"Okay." I sighed staring at the clothes my mom laid out for me on my bed.

"I'll be down in a minute." I said and walked into my bathroom.

I changed into the clothes my mother picked and stared at my reflection. I was wearing a knee length peach dress with a silver belt. I left my hair in its messy bun and made no efforts to try and fix my makeup.

I was in no mood to impress anybody today. If anything, all I had planned for today evening was some time to myself with my dear friend Netflix and my comfy pajamas.

I went downstairs as slow as it was humanely possible.

"Natalia! Fix your hair! What is wrong with you? You're supposed to be looking presentable, not like a homeless wreck." My mom yelled.

All I did in reply of my mom's long rant was pull my hair out of the bun and run my hand through my hair.

I stared at my mom. I swear to god she was the moodiest person to have ever walked on this planet.

"Better?" I asked her referring to my hair.

"I guess." Was all she replied.

"Um... By the way, where's Zac?" I asked looking around the house searching for the idiot I have for a brother.

"Zac? Oh, he's at football practice." My mom informed me.

"What do you mean football? Today is Friday. There is no football practice on Fridays!" I yelled when realization struck me that Zac was about to skip the meeting with the guests.

"He told me that he had extra practice."

"And you believed him?"

"Of course I would." My mom said completely oblivious to the fact that her son had the reputation of a trouble maker.

"I'm just going to trust Zac this time and I don't know why." I mumbled mostly to myself.

"What was that again?" My mom questioned.

"Nothing mom." I said wondering of to the living room waiting very impatiently for the 'guests' to arrive.

The earlier they arrive, the earlier we finish up and the earlier I can go and get back to my beloved netflix.

And exactly ten seconds later the doorbell rang.

"Lia get the door please." my mom yelled from the kitchen.

I grumbled and slouched to the front door, opening it.

I saw Nathan standing there holding a rather attractive wrapped box.

I had no idea as to why and what he was doing here. The only conclusion I could draw was that people wanted to screw my Friday evening and I felt they were doing it on purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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