Page 2 (wattpad and it's bad service)

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Wattpad sometimes reminds me of a jealous girlfriend who is hell bent on hurting your feelings.

Like that moment when you write a good juicy chapter to feed to your fellow fan children  (readersand it deletes it.


Also, a friend of mine had asked for personal help for something and would you like to know what wattpad help services told her?
" we're sorry, but our wattpad services can only be reached Monday to Friday. Your request will be reviewed then as urgently as possible. Thank your for your co operation."

Or something like that.....but still! What kind of service is that?!
That didn't help at all.

Also I think we should be able to see profile pics better cause some people actually have up some pretty kawaii/awesome pics.

Anyways. Off to my next page.

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