Jenn POV:
"Well, at least they let us keep all our stuff," I said to a quite, brooding Marley as I was desperately trying to look on the bright side of being thrown out of the home I'd known since I was 7. It wasn't really working.
"Yeah," Marley sighed and we continued to lug our bags to the airport in silence. I wonder what New York will be like. *sigh*.
"What if the shadowhunters there don't like us marls?" I ask worriedly.
"Who gives an f if they like us?" She replies. And I abandon attempts at conversation as I see the airport up ahead. We arrive and check onto our flight to New York and grab a quick coffee before heading to the gate.
"Wait!" Says a desperate voice from the entrance (also where the coffee was) and it was a voice that I recognise. Jared. Marley heard too and we turn around to see the blue haired boy who's been like an older brother to me all these years and blood brother to Marley. Brother to us both in the ways that matter. We run and hug him as he says,
"I had to say goodbye to my sisters," and I feel happy that he counts us both, not just Marley, as sisters.
"Bye Jared," I say at the same time Marley says,
"Bye idiot," Oh marls.
We hug a little while longer but then we really have to catch our flight. We say our last goodbyes and promise to keep in touch before walking to the gate and getting there just as the flight starts boarding.
"Sweet of him to come," I say and marls nods, "I'm gonna miss him,"
"Yeah, we'll call him though, and we'll be ok" she says.
Almost to soon, it's time to take off and we listen to the safety speech, put on our seatbelts and soar into the air.
"Goodbye London" I whisper and marls smiles at my sentimentality. New York here we come.

Thanks for reading, stay quacky my fabulous lightworms I love you all,
- Jenn x

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