Chapter 4

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Kyrie's POV

I woke up and checked my phone to find that Harry still hadn't responded to any of my texts. I sat up and stared at my mirror that was across from my bed. I looked at the frame of the mirror to see several photobooth picture strips that I had taken with Harry. I brought my knees up to my chest and started to cry into my arms. I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards my bed.

"Kyrie," Thalia said, "You have to come out sometime."

"No," I reply, "Harry still hasn't responded to my texts."

"That doesn't mean you should stay in bed all day long," Thalia explained.

"Yes, it does," I argued.

"Why do you care whether he responds or not," my other friend, Glinda, asked, "It's not like he was your boyfriend."

"Yeah, he was totally friendzoned," Thalia agreed.

"But what he said, 'I just fell too deep', makes me think that he wanted to be more than friends," I explain.

"Well do you wanna be more than friends," Glinda asked.

"No, I have Keegan," I hesitated, "But I feel a connection with Harry."

"Then leave that twat and go with Harry," Glinda replied.

"Yeah," Thalia said, "We never liked Keegan."

We started to laugh hysterically when Thalia's phone rang. She stred at her screen with astonishment as her mouth dropped. I waved my hand before her eyes, but they remained unmoving and staring at the screen.

"Are you alright, Thalia," I ask.

"Kyrie," she whispered, "You have to see this."

She showed my her phone screen which showed Keegan's most recent tweet. I could feel tears forming at the rim of my eyes as I read the tweet, which read, "Having fun with 'fun' with my girlfriend, Ruby, now! ;)" Glinda took the phone from my hand and gasped with shock.

"Oh my god," she whispered, "That little prick!"

I sat on my bed and stared out the window for a moment. Then, I quickly jumped out of my bed and headed for my closet.

"Where are you going," Thalia asked.

"I'm gonna kick my ex-boyfriend's butt," I replied.

My friends cheered and told me that they had some projects to do and that they couldn't assist me in killing my ex-boyfriend. I shrugged it off and wished them luck on their projects. I continued into my closet and slipped on a tee with some denim shorts with my black Doc Martens. I slipped out of the door before any of my sisters could bother me with any annoying questions.


When I arrived at Keegan's front doorstep, I rang the doorbell several times. Each time, I was answered by several high-pitched moans. I rolled my eyes as I rang the doorbell once more. I could hear Keegan groaning and loud footsteps coming towards the front door. The door opened and Keegan's eyes widened as he saw me there.

"H-hello, Kyrie," he stuttered.

"Hello, Keegan," I sneered, "What are you doing?"

"Uhm, nothing," he mumbled.

I was about to reply before the redhead came down the stairs in a robe and wrapped her arms around Keegan.

"What's taking you so long," she whispered into his ear before she noticed that I was standing right in front of them. Keegan told her to go back to the room as he stepped outside and shut the front door.

Just A Fan (A Harry Styles Fan-Fiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now