Chapter three

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A mini authors note

I just wanted to say a special thanks William for being such an amazing supportive cousin :) And for helping me with this chapter when I got stuck... 

 Also I’m #sorrynotsorry for deleting your instagram shout out.... So instead I have decided to give you a wattpad shout out!!! 

So to all my followers or people who are reading my book and aren’t bothered to follow me -.- Go check out Exhibition Everest which was all originally written by willpalmer02 .... 

And if you’re an Instagramer like me, follow willpalmer02 .... trust me he follows back. Yeah and if he doesn’t, come chat to me, and I’ll make him follow you ;)


Chapter three

Zayn POV: 

I see her, sitting on a bench, peacefully napping.

She’s has to be kidding me. 

This was way too easy.

(Other end of phone)

Did you find her?

(Speaks into phone) 

Yeah, she’s literally sitting right in front of me.

(Other end of phone) 

Okay, where about’s are you? 

(Speaks into phone) 

I’m in front of Tescos, hurry.

(Other end of phone) 

I’ll be there in one minute, over.

 I quickly turned off my triple 04 walkie talkie as I casually approached Shannon. God, the boss was going to be so damn happy when I brought this girl back. I leant against the cold brick wall and carefully studied her beautiful features. 

“Zayn bud, I’m here.” I heard Justin loudly shout as he parked his blue BMW car. He slowly approached me, picking his feet up high causing the stone gravel to shuffle under his feet. 

“So what’s the plan?” I inquired.  

“The plan is, there is no plan.” He replied sounding disinterested. 

I sighed loudly, hoping he would notice that I wasn't here to mess around. 

Without warning he tossed me a huge brown bag.

“Uh, what am I suppose to do with this?” I asked with a growing look of confusion.

All of a sudden I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my left cheek, as I was thrown off balance onto the floor.  

“What was that for?” I exclaimed.

“Hmm? That wasn’t me.” He responded with a bored expression written all over his face. 


That was strange I swear I saw him run up to me and...

Without warning, I watched in disbelief as Justin transformed into a creature like shape I had never seen before. 

I froze as this creature lunged towards me.

I felt an excruciating pain in my lower stomach. 

“Justin, stop.” I pleaded. 

Justin threw off his dark cloak, exposing a strange man clothed all in black with no distinguishable facial features. 

“youuuu areeee zee plan” He snarled.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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