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Juvia's P.O.V

It was Juvia's fault, all of it. It was Juvia's fault that Gajeel got angry with Levy because Juvia was the one who told him about how mysteriously their beloved ones were acting after the mission. It was Juvia's fault that Gray-sama was gone. She made him choose, knowing that he wouldn't choose her. It was Juvia's fault that Gajeel started acting like he did when they were still in Phantom Lord because now he didn't have his ray of sunshine... Levy left as well.

Three months had passed since the talent show, three months since the breakup of the only couples of Fairy Tail, three months since Gray-sama and Levy left on a trip on their own, three months since Gajeel's and Juvia's hearts were broken, three months since Gajeel's nights were spent drinking and lamenting the day he let 'his Shrimp' go away, three months since the rain in Magnolia hadn't stopped for one minute, three months that the two ex-Phantom Lord mages spent all their time on missions... three months, and now they are back.

Gray-sama was standing at the entrance of Fairy Tail, bleeding and carrying an unconscious Levy in his arms. "Please save her," were the only words he spoke before fainting. Luckily, Natsu was fast and caught Gray-sama before he hit the floor.

Of course, Gajeel was the one who took Levy in his arms and shouted, "Air Brat, get the damn hell here right now and save my Shorty!" Even though he wanted it to sound like a threat, it sounded more like a begging. Juvia had never seen him so distressed in his entire life. Juvia could practically see life passing through his eyes as he watched his movie ex-girlfriend's body.

Juvia, on the other hand, fell to her knees while crying her heart out. This was all Juvia's fault. If Juvia didn't have a big mouth, they would have never left and gotten so hurt. Now Juvia has to watch as Mirajane and Wendy try to save both Gray-sama and Levy. After carrying them to the infirmary, Wendy spent seven hours treating them. In the middle, Porlyusica came to help her at the request of Master Makarov.

Juvia spent the whole time waiting at the door of the infirmary on her own, while the rest were waiting in the guild hall... all except Gajeel. Not even Porlyusica was able to drag him away from Levy. Natsu was right, the loyalty of a dragon is way too strong. Juvia also wanted to be by her Gray-sama's side, but her guilt didn't let her see him without breaking into tears.

At the end of the seven hours, Mirajane and Porlyusica came out, telling everyone that they are both going to live but that Levy was in a coma from which she might not be able to wake up. Entering the infirmary as soon as they finished talking, Juvia's heart broke when she saw Lily in his true form patting Gajeel's back in a comforting way as he cried silently over Levy's sleeping body. Shedding tears of her own, she slowly walked towards Gray-sama's bed and sat in the vacant chair next to it, praying to God above to save Levy.

Gray-sama slept for forty-eight hours until he finally woke up. "Gray-sama! You finally woke up!" Juvia cheered with happy tears, the sky in Magnolia clearing for the first time in three months.

"Juvia... you don't have the slightest idea of how much I missed you," Gray-sama confessed, dragging Juvia into a heated kiss. Juvia melted at the touch of her Gray-sama, happier than she had been in her life. "What are you doing here?" He asked when they broke apart.

"Don't you remember, Gray-sama? You came to Fairy Tail carrying Levy," Juvia explained to him.

"Levy?" He whispered lowly, with dread in his voice.

"Gray!" Erza, Natsu, Mirajane, Wendy, Leo, Love rival, and Master Makarov exclaimed at the same time as they entered the infirmary.

"Could you shut up!" Growled an angry Gajeel. "Levy is still asleep!"

"Miyuki!" yelled Gray-sama, confusing us all. Who is Miyuki? Juvia's mental question was answered when Gray-sama jumped off the bed and stumbled towards Levy's bed. "Come on, little sis, wake up," Gray-sama begged. "He is finally dead! We can live happily now! No more secrets, no more hiding, no more fighting, no more training for war... just you and your big brother. So please, Miyuki, open your eyes for me." At the end of Gray-sama's speech, he was crying, surprising us all. Gray-sama never cries... Does this mean that Gray-sama loves Levy more than he loves Juvia? The thought on its own broke Juvia's heart. She didn't know what would happen if it was true.

"Gray, what happened, son?" Master Makarov demanded to know first, being the first one to recover from his shock.

"Dr. Hitsu ga happened," Gray-sama snarled angrily, wiping his tears.

"Oh, Mavis, I wished I had been wrong this time," said Master Makarov, confusing everyone even more. "You were both part of his experiments, weren't you?"

"You knew?" Gray-sama questioned, astonished. Experiments?!

"I had my suspicions... just this time, I wanted them to be wrong," Master Makarov lamented. "I'm truly sorry, son." Then Master began telling us about Dr. Hitsu ga's experiments, making us all sick. That doctor was lucky to be dead, or Gajeel would have hunted him down.

"It wasn't your fault, Master," Gray-sama sighed before getting back to his bed and taking Juvia's hand in his for reassurance. "He was able to escape prison. He wanted all his "children" to prove who were the strongest ones." Gray-sama spat the word "children" as if it was a curse. "Miyuki and I met a couple of them during our mission in Steel City and defeated them. When we did that, they turned into weapons because that's what we had always been for Dr. Hitsu ga... weapons." Gray-sama gritted his teeth in anger. Juvia thought that he was going to stop talking, but after a bit, he continued. "A sword for me and a pair of fans for Levy... Dr. Hitsu ga experimented on us, modifying our bodies and training us to be his perfect weapons. He took us away from Fairy Tail, erased our memories, and manipulated us. But we broke free, and now he's dead."

The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone absorbed the shocking revelation. Juvia's heart ached for Gray-sama and Levy, knowing the pain they had endured. She squeezed Gray-sama's hand tightly, offering her support and love.

"That's... unimaginable," Erza finally spoke, her voice filled with empathy. "But you're both safe now, back in Fairy Tail."

Gray-sama nodded, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes. "Yeah, we are. And we owe it to all of you for never giving up on us."

"Of course we wouldn't give up on our nakama," Natsu exclaimed, a determined glint in his eyes. "We're a family, and we stick together through thick and thin."

The sentiment resonated with everyone present. Mirajane stepped forward, a gentle smile on her face. "Gray, Levy, we'll be here for you every step of the way. Whatever you need, just ask."

"Thank you, Mira," Levy whispered softly, her eyes fluttering open as she regained consciousness. "And thank you, everyone."

Tears of relief filled Juvia's eyes as she witnessed Levy awakening. She released Gray-sama's hand and moved closer to Levy's bedside, her heart overflowing with joy and gratitude. "Levy, you're awake!" Juvia exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Levy turned her head toward Juvia, a weak but genuine smile forming on her lips. "Juvia... I... I'm sorry for everything."

Juvia's eyes widened in surprise. "Levy, there's no need to apologize. None of this was your fault."

Levy's smile widened slightly. "Thank you, Juvia. You're too kind."

Gray-sama stood beside Juvia, his eyes never leaving Levy's face. "Levy, I'm sorry too. I should have protected you better."

Levy reached out and gently touched Gray-sama's hand. "Gray, you did everything you could. We'll get through this together."

The room filled with a sense of unity and determination as Fairy Tail's members rallied around Gray-sama, Levy, and Juvia. They knew that their bonds would help them heal and overcome the scars of their painful past.

And so, the three of them, Gray-sama, Levy, and Juvia, embarked on a new chapter together, supported by the unwavering love and strength of their Fairy Tail family.

The Blue Lies {GaLe/Gruvia- Fairy Tail}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant