Nice Morning

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It was a nice morning, so you had decided to break away from your shabby house and walk around the block. It was early, so not many people were outside in your petite village, but you kept walking nonetheless.

"Now, where should I go first?" You asked yourself, brushing your (H/C) bangs out of your (E/C) eyes.

Finally, you decided the docks could make an okay vacation from your house, and that's where you began walking to.

As you observed the open surroundings around you, the stumps of old trees, cloudy smoke back from the only factory in your village, you wondered, 'Why would, us as a people, do this to the earth?' You knew the answer, for it was something hardly anyone in your village owned, and if they did, very little of it.


That's what human beings were driven by, and thinking back to your Social Studies teacher's poorly taught classes, you wondered what happened to friendly bartering. Then, your family might have a little more food than they did.

On the way, you stubbed your toe on something. It wasn't surprising to you, because your shoes were cheap and you could feel an ant crawling on you through them, but you were curious as to what you tripped over.

As you looked down, your (E/C) eyes sparkling with curiosity, your breath was taken from you. There, in the mud and dirt, lay a triangular cut Red Jasper gem. No scratches, no cracks. In perfect conditon. Weren't you just worried about how much money your family had?

Your first reaction was to pick it up, and as you did, you could have sworn the gemstone glew a little around its edges. You knew it felt warm to the touch, but that was probably just from it being in mud for so long.

Suddenly, you no longer cared for the nice day, or the docks, or the smoke coming out of that factory. You began to wonder if that was a side-effect of becoming rich.

'No,' you assured yourself. 'I have a good heart, and no amount of money is going to change that.'

Still, you stuffed the gem into your pocket and began jogging back to your house, or, well, shack. Your (H/C) hair flew around your face from the mild breeze flowing, but you didn't care. You and your parents might actually live in a real house for the first time in your (Y/A) age life!

But, something inside you made you ponder whether or not to tell your parents. A part of you wanted to keep the beautiful gemstone for yourself, and you knew if you told your parents, they'd make you sell it for money.

You paused and sat on an old tree stump, watching a few birds fly by your position. Your feet hurt, and you still couldn't make up your mind about the gem in your pocket. Without noticing, you sat on the stump longer than anticipated, and your leg began to grow numb from the warm buzz that the Red Jasper in your pocket was giving off.

You were greatful for science class, otherwise, you wouldn't have known the value of the stone.

Eventually, you grew tired of sitting on the stump, and jogged the rest of the way home.

Your father was clearly yelling at your mother about something, so you slunk past them quickly and went to your room, softly slamming it shut. You were sick of your mother and father fighting all the time, but you had no clue how to tell them without getting beat yourself.

"I wish they'd just stop," You muttered to yourself, pulling the orangish-red gem put of your pocket.

It seemed to glow in agreement.

Though you did 't understand the strange gem, and was sure it wasn't normal Red Jasper, you smiled down upon it anyway. Now, you couldn't understand why you would want to sell the beautiful item. After a few minutes of staring, you finally decided to hide it under your pillow for tonight and sleep on the decision.

You drifted off after a long session of thinking about the gem, and the last thing your (E/C) eyes saw was the dim glow of it, while the last thing you felt was the gem's warm buzz through the pillow.

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