Chapter 4

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Soul sat there laughing his ass of at me my face turned red as I just knew what I had said.

Shin fangirled over me and him "aww!!!! I knew you two looked cute together!!!!" She said squealing.

I then tried to change the subject "w-what's soul doing here?" I asked "I told you he was coming to hang out an we're dating!" She said happily hugging soul.

"Yeah but enough about us..." Soul said kissing Shins forehead lightly "what was I like did her fuck you-" shin elbowed him in ye stomach.

She glanced at him but then returned her gaze towards me. "How did you find out?" She asked.

The memories of what happened not to long ago flashed through my head "h-he...kissed me..." I said placing my hand over we're he did.

Remembering the rough passionate kiss we shared. I must've looked so stupid I was blushing so badly there...I wonder why he held back... He wouldn't have done that.

Maybe he has feelings for me... Or maybe I was just an object to him. He can't possibly have feelings for me...

I'm probably just his toy... I looked down sadly. He was my first kiss. "I-I'm going to my room..." I said they both ignored me.

I slowly walked towards my room ad laid down in my soft bed. I'm so tired of what happened to me... I honestly liked it...

A couple of hours past of me day dreaming it was now 12:00 looks like I day dream a lot...

I then realized I had to be to school tomorrow shit... I then quickly fell asleep. I woke up to Shin jumping on my bed telling me that I would be late.

I quickly got up and dressed and quickly brushed my teeth I looked like shit...

Great... I pulled my hair up into a messy bun put on my shoes grabbed my book bag and the house key.

We quickly ran towards school. We were so late I like that Shin would never leave me even of she missed school.

We ran and ran until we got there 3 classes went by already. I was soo tired I could barely stay awake.

We then got to training we were going outside. Me and shin practiced coordination. Then we got to the last class of the day crescent moon i actually want to be there.

We walked there and we were the first people again. We were going to dissect something again. I was so tired everyone left the room besides me this time.

They found out we were dissecting spirit... Yep... I didn't think that this class could get any worse.

"(F/N) come up here an dissect this with me..." He said smiling I was going to say no but held it in.

I then remember what he had said yesterday. I then nodded and walked down towards him and the dissecting table.

"I was worried that you weren't going to come..." He whispered into my ear putting his arms around me and guiding me how to dissect spirit.

"W-why..." I said feeling his hot breath on my ear I blushed. "Because then I wouldn't see your beautiful face" he then kissed me neck.

I practically melted. "D-dr. Stein..." I moaned I then realized that we were still in school I then turned around and faced him accidentally putting my hand in the blood.

"W-were in... School.." I said gulping hard. "Yes I see... Meet me after class ... We can finish what we started~" he said then he kissed me again but I kissed back.

We then broke our kiss I wish it would've lasted longer. We then finished our dissection while he made dirty jokes we had a lot of time left.

I sat back down in my desk and got out my notebook I then started to draw. As I drew memories of my dad my friend killed for me came into my head.


Not to long before I joined the DWMA. I was walking home from my normal school.

I put my hand on the knob. I got a very earie feeling. My stomach started to turn. I slowly opened the door to see blood on the wall.

I tried to scream but couldn't. I then Saw a trail leading up the stairs. No lights were on except the last bedroom which was my dads room.

I already knew what I was going to walk Into my dad being dead. I then walked down the hall and opened the door slowly.

I then saw a gruesome picture. My dad was this demonic creature and he killed an innocent woman.

I then ran out of the house and to Shins house she was my best friend ever since we were 2. She ran over with the police and her parents.

We walked into the bedroom to see a note on the bed. "Dear (F/N) you are adopted... You are also a Meister i killed your real parents but i couldn't kill you.."

I started to cry " i waited until you learn to be a meister which wasn't the best idea i can tell you'll be strong but you are also weak and stubborn..."

I then continued to read "i will come back and kill you.."The rest was ripped off.

I then got down on my knees and sobbed. Shin comforted me.

End of flashback~

I then sat up to see Dr.Stein twirling in his chair. He's so cute... He's just what I need to bring up my mood. I giggled.

"Something funny?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "N-nothing..." I said sitting up straight he intimidates me.

I do not want to cross him. "No tell me..." He walked over towards my desk and bent down so our faces were just inches away.

"I-it's nothing..." I said blushed "just tell me darling I won't be mad.." He said uncovering my hands from my face gently.

He then looked into my eyes with his I melted. "I-I just think that..." I paused "you look cute when you twirl in your chair..." I said the last part quietly and quickly.

He smiled "thank you darling wanna ride in it?" He asked I blushed "uh no than-" before I could say anything else I was being put in a chair and being pushed around the room.

"Woo! Yay!" I put my hands in the air he smiled. He then stopped and bent down in front of me "your so cute... I wish we could do this all day but I'm afraid class is almost over..." He said holding my hands.

I blushed "aww..." He said he then kissed my nose which made me blush even more. I then sat back down in my seat and he let the hole class back in.

The bell rang shortly after that. I was nervous but not as nervous as usual...


Hope you enjoyed this chapter I will write more goodbye my lovelies!^-^

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