Honey, I'm Home

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You walked through the door into complete darkness. "Ayato?" you called out to him. Hm. Your boyfriend didn't seem to be home.

The lights flickered on. You saw your boyfriend with black bunny ears on his head.


"What is this Ayato?"

"Happy Birthday, brat. What does it look like? This is your goddamn birthday party. Didn't know you would come home so early." You smiled. Your Ayato seemed cold on the outside, but you knew he was a cute softie on the inside.

"That doesn't explain the bunny ears."

"U-um. You like that shit, right?"

"Yeah! I think it's cute! It's even cuter when it's on you!" you smiled and stared at Ayato endearingly. Your boyfriend became flustered and turned away.

"Goddammit brat. Stop staring at me. I just wanted to make you smile, not stare at me for an hour."

"It worked though."

Ayato ripped off the bunny ears from his head. He walked up to you and handed you the bunny ears.

"Here." You stared at his hands holding a small box. "What? You're just going to stare at it? It's your goddamn present. Just take it and open it."

You nodded at your irritated boyfriend. Then you gingerly took the box and opened it. To your delight, you found a little white bunny who peered up at you in adoration.

"Oh how cute! Thank you Ayato!" you squealed as you took the bunny out of the box and hugged it. Ayato grumbled in fake annoyance.

"What are you going to name it?" he asked.

"Hm. I know! Aya-chan!" You were content with the name of your new bunny. Ayato grumbled once again with blush on his face.

"I-I got this because I keep on leaving you alone whenever I go to Aogiri. When I go on missions, they last for days, so I thought that you must get lonely. So... I bought you something to keep you company and remind you of me when I'm gone." Ayato guiltily explained to you.

You had tears in your eyes. You were so touched. You knew that your boyfriend was sweet on the inside but you never knew he was this thoughtful to get you this present.

"O-oi! Why the fuck are you crying?"

"I-I love you Ayato! Thank you!" you exclaimed with tears running down your cheeks.


There was a burst through the door. CCG investigators rushed into the room with their quinques.

"Oh-ho. We finally found you, Black Rabbit." one said.

"Tch." Ayato responded. bringing his arm in front of you to pull you behind him. Ayato brought out his kagune and immediately sprayed bullets, killing 2 investigators.

You had your eyes glued to your boyfriend, viciously fighting. You paid no attention to the Dove behind you.

"Ahh!" the Dove screamed before he stabbed his quinque through your back. You saw the blade go through your chest as you looked down. You screamed in pain and agony. Ayato looked at you in horror. He immediately rushed at the Dove that stabbed you and instantly took his life. Ayato used his one-winged kagune blade and sliced all of the remaining Doves before he ran to you.

"Brat? Brat? Are you still alive? Answer me!"

You managed to cough up blood in response. You slowly opened your eyes to see your concerned boyfriend's face. You smiled.

"Ayato..." you managed to gasp.

"What is it?" he gently answered.

"I love you..."

"(Y/N) I love you too!"

"Hehe... I'm so happy! It's the first time you've said my name in a while. Ayato, I know I'm not going to make it..."

"No! Don't say that! I need you to stay with me! Please! I still have so many things to say!"

"Ayato, I love you so much. I'll be waiting for you on the other side."

"No! You're all that I have!"

"Thank you for everything, Ayato..." And then you closed your eyes for the last time.

"No... No... Come back (Y/N)! You better fucking back! Don't fucking leave me here!" Ayato shrieked, clutching your body to his chest. He took one arm and smashed the floor next to him.

"Well... What do we have here?" a CCG investigator walked in on Ayato's grieving moment. The Dove quickly brought out his quinque and charged at Ayato.

"Shut the fuck up." Ayato muttered before he stabbed the investigator with his kagune blade. The investigator immediately lost his smile. His eyes shut and his body went limp.

"You're too weak." the investigator muttered, coughing up blood.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ayato stabbed him once again.

"You couldn't save her... You're too weak. It's all your fault..." the investigator whispered to Ayato before dying.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH! I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW! I KNOW IT'S MY FAULT! I KNOW SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE IF I WERE STRONGER! I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU GUYS! YOU WERE THE ONES WHO TOOK HER AWAY! FUCK YOU ALL!" Ayato screamed. His legs collapsed as he sat on the floor next to your body. He put his hand on your's. "(Y/N). I'll be joining you soon, don't worry." He propped you up on the wall, so you could sit facing him.

He reached into his pocket to pull out a small box with a ribbon on it. He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. He knelt on one knee. "I... I wasn't able to give you your second present... If you're watching me (Y/N), will you marry me?" He waited as if he was actually going to get a response. After a moment, he got up and put the ring on your ring finger..

He smiled.

He briskly walked over to the dead investigator and took his sword-like quinque. He then quickly returned to your side. He sat down next to your body.

And then he stabbed himself in the chest with the quinque. He groaned in pain as he impaled himself once more.

I'm sorry (Y/N).

I'm too weak.

A weak person can't protect anything.

I couldn't even protect the most important person in my life.


Ayato felt his life drifting away as he bled out. Soon he blacked out. He opened his eyes to see that everything was white. He was standing up, and you were in front of him.


"Honey, I'm home."


Author's Note:

Such a turn of events...

Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry that this did not turn out nicely. ;~; I just felt like writing a oneshot with Ayato in it. And this abomination came to be...

Ayato x Reader Oneshot: Honey, I'm HomeWhere stories live. Discover now