chapter 9

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i walked to harry's house, from zayn's. (he had his roomate yelling about somethings and i felt uncomfortable so i left.) i kocked on his door. "just a minute!" i heard him say, then i heard him jogging and what sounded like something falling. Then i heard 3 other voices....they were all laughing. some guy said something, though i couldn't make out who it was..."shut up, that's not funny boobear!" harry said, then he opened the door, his smile faded into a thin line. "what do you want?" he asked plainly. i rolled my eyes. "is niall there?" i asked,trying to ignore how bad i want to cry right now. Louis, Kaila, and niall stepped out to see who harry was talking to. "hey mae, i thought you were hanging with zayn." niall said calmly. "you need me to take you home? Amy's over at her friend's house." i nodded. "wait, i need to talk to her first..." harry said, catching everyone by surprise. he grabbed my hand and we walked to his room, he then closed and locked the door. "what?" i ask, my voice cracking. "mae? i want.......errr, i need you to break up with zayn....."

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