Questions not asked, Truths not answered. (My personal veiw on things.)

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You know what it's like hearing all of those stories about teens that kill people, Or end up dying because of the bad things they have done in the past? You know how you get the feeling that those kids are absolutley crazy, and no person in thier right mind would do such a thing? I used to be like that. But in the past year or so, I have realized that no one is normal, let alone perfect. People make mistakes, believe me.

I used to look down on violence,gangs,cutting, drugs, drinking, and all those naughty things people our age know about, but parents don't think we know about. Violence happens every day, Innocent people are killed. Gangs are all around us. Just in Orlando there's two major gans, not including many smaller ones. Open your eyes, and you will see all sorts of gang activity, even in the safest of places. To some people, its the only way to life; To others, the end of it.

 Drugs are huge with teens. Most people have tried weed, or mariguana, at least once in thier life. All of the innocent kids, tha have never seen or heard or people they know doing drugs, thinks its some messed up fiarytale that takes place when kids want to be 'cool'. But, of course, 'cool' kids dont do drugs, It would ruin thier reputation, or even thier future. Doing drugs is really just a matter of boredom, and wether you can get your hands on it or not. Drugs are out there. In malls, schools, & even your neighborhood.

People cut themselves all the time, and most of the time its the most unlikely people. Some people cut to know they are in chanrge of themselves. That they can stop thier pain. For some, it makes them feel better about themselves. But, to most, its a time to let all the sadness, grief, pain, and problems out of you. Pushing it away. Pretending like everything is fine. Living one day at a time. Wondering why you're still alive, after all, they think they are just a waste of space. Feeling like its the same thing day after day is these kids' stories. Over & over, they cant stop wondering what it would be like if they were dead. D E A D. These kids cut to hang on, hang on to whatever they have left in life. Its like having a huge hole, right in your heart, & the hole gets bigger, day by day. Sometimes, you can cover it up. Put a smile on your face, act like everything is fine. But sometimes, you just cant handle it. All the overwhelming, horrid thoughts that push themselves into your head. The recurring nightmare that you wake up to with chills on your arms, yeah, that is these kids lives. The nightmare that never ends. Untill they end it for themselves.

Then there is drinking. Oh lord, drinking. Almost everyone in this day and age had drank alcohol before the legal age of 21. Even after 21, drinking is still a huge problem. Drinking and driving kills 11,773 in a year, that that was just in 2008. Also, there is abusing of alcohol. Its all over the news with headlines like these: "Woman got brutally beaten by her husband", "Children got abused by thier parents due to alcohol", "Five kids abandoned, because of thier mother's alcohol addiction". For most people, they start drinking before they reach the age of 15.

Crazy, Right? All this horrible stuff happening, with very few people trying to stop it. But it's reality. In this modern time, theres no knowing what tomorrow will bring. We could all die, Just like that. In a split second of fear, we could all be dead. In the past, it wasn't like this. It was all small towns, where you could leave your doors unlocked, and walk around barefoot. What happened to this world? What has brought our United States of America to such a low point? If we flip on the news, at any given time, there is headlines of people dying. Teen suicide rates are rising, what changed between now, and 50 years ago? Back then, there was no problems other than if your best freind was mad at you, or whether you were grounded this weekend or not.

What is the point of life? What is the point of being here? I dont think anyone can answer these questions. For every person, its different. For some, its to become a famous model. For tohers, tis a successful athlete, world famous artist, fire fighter, lawyer, doctor, scientist, or just a mom or dad. You dont need to be big, powerful, popular, or pretty to make your impression on this world. The older people of our generation think all of this is for the best, but maybe, just maybe, Its for the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2011 ⏰

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