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1. Be polite. I don't mind if you're spontaneous, just don't be flat out rude!

2. What happens between characters stays between characters! In other words, If our characters have a thing against each other, that does not give you the right to be mad at ME, the admin! 

3. Please NO text talk, and use correct grammar and punctuation! I understand if you have a typo but, otherwise its ridiculous.  

    Ex. "LOL ur so funny" 

    THE CORRECT  WAY:  She laughed, "You're so funny!" 

4. Keep the role playing interesting! 

5. If I don't respond, I apologize but I have a life too.

6. Don't always come for sex, or a relationship! They need friends too! 

7. I do smut, so don't be shy! 

8. You don't have to ask me for permission to roleplay, you can just start. It's quite alright if you do though!

9. If you ask, I will need the character's name, setting, and you will start, unless I ask to. 

10. If I ask, I will start, unless of course you ask to. 

Failure to role play to the rules will result in our roleplay ending, or being put on hold. 

Also, If I don't reply, then you probably broke one of my rules. Thank you for going over these rules! 

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