My Paranormal Story: A Weekend In York

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(Just a quick excimer to let you know that this is base on my experience from my first encounter with a ghost and probably won't be my last, thank you.)

It was about five years ago in February, me and my family went to York for my mum's birthday. For the past few days in York we did some sightseeing of the city and one particular night we went to an Italian restaurant, after we had a meal we went back to the hotel that we were staying at. The hotel was an old two-story victorian house and our room was on the ground floor near the lobby. As we got back to the hotel and it was quite late so me and my sister went straight to bed, my parents stayed up for a few more hours before going to bed.

During that night woke up to use the bathroom, I didn't know what time was that was, but it was pretty late and nobody was awake except the hotel employees and me. I was going to get out of my bed when I saw a white misty silhouetted figure across the other side of the room. At first thought that I was seeing things, so I look away and it was still there, I rubbed my eyes to help me wakeup for a few seconds and it was still there. At this point I was scared as I was the person that was awake and my mum and dad and my sister were still sleep. I decided to hide under the  covers while watching until it disappeared, but it didn't leave.

After a few hours of watching this misty silhouette, I felt my drifting off to sleep so I have to force myself to ignore it and that it was all in my head. I woke up the next morning safe from harm, but I was very paranoid about the unexplained mist in the bedroom. I scanned the room to see if the mist silhouette was still there, but it wasn't. I told my mum and dad about what happen and they thought that I had a bad dream of some sort, I was sure that it wasn't a dream, but I didn't know what it was myself.

After I had that encounter five years ago. I decided to research about what the White mist was or if it had any meaning to it. At first the only things that I found about seeing white mist was about physical condition to the eye which I didn't have and something about clairvoyance which was very interesting, but didn't explain much about the mist so I decided to look at a paranormal website to see if it was something from a paranormal phenomena or some sort. After visiting the website and finding what the mist was, I was surprised to what I've found from the website. It turns out that the mist in the hotel's bedroom is a another form of a ghost.

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