6) Questions

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As my pet and I walked towards the dining hall i thought of what happened moments ago, It was terrifying, arriving home happy and then... then you see something very precious to you crying and just looking so... broken, It's heartbreaking. His face was red, his body was shaking and tears were running down his face, he was whimpering "I'm sorry's" And "I'll try better, i swear, i'm sorry" and calling himself worthless, It's really heartbreaking. And the worst part was that i felt like a part of it was my fault, I just felt like it, i guess after dinner i'd ask him.

Thankfully Hank and Oliver had gone out to have dinner and some alone time in a hotel, if you get what i mean. As i walked inside and sat down i looked at Zenix and saw that he was still standing "Sit" I said, nodding. "Thank you sir" He says, his voice flat as he sits down "May i eat sir" He says, his voice shaky "Of course" I said, smiling "Very good" I praised. He smiled but it didn't reach this eyes "Are you okay pet?" I asked, concerned. He didn't raise his head up as he slowly begun to eat "Yes sir, I'm fine sir" He says hesitantly and it's a little too obvious that he's lying "Don't lie to me" I say sternly, I wasn't trying to be mean, I was teaching him. He visibly flinched "I'm sorry sir" He says and bites his lip and i knew that was the sign that he was beating himself up. 

"Hey" I said softly "Look up at me pet" I said and he obediently  looks up, he visibly gulps and i know he's nervous, who wouldn't be? "Pet... What did you..." I say slowly "Dream about?" I finished, He gulps and there is pain and sadness in his eyes "I- Well- I-" He whimpers, his voice shaky "Easy" I sooth as i swallow down my food, His hand twitches as he struggles to control his breathing "I just- People calling me names and- ah- and my father hurting and that's-" He gulps "That's it sir" He says and nods, "What kind of names?" I continue to push, His fingers clench as he finds the will to answer "Just- you know, the normal kind?" He chuckles painfully and I look at him with a sad look in my eyes.

His life is just... not the life i would hope for a person like him, sure he's a bit rough around the edges but he's obedient, He's sweet and he's loyal. As i continue to stare at him with the same look in my eyes his eyes seem to have mirrored the look in mine, "Pet" I breathed out as i put my spoon and fork together as i finish eating. "I-Y-Yes sir?" He stammers "You're wonderful... okay? You're a good boy, don't think about the losers who call you names" I say. He seems to have brighten up a bit, Just a tad bit.

"Sir?" He asks slowly "Yes?" I ask as i watch him finish his food "May i ask you a question?" He says, of course he can "Of course pet, if you want to ask me something, go ahead" I said kindly, He smiles "Thank you sir" He says then rubs the back of his neck "Er... Have you ever been bullied sir? you don't have to answer sir, i was just asking" He stammers the last part, I noticed that he bit his lip when he bashes on himself and that he overuses the word 'sir' when he's nervous. 

Have I ever been bullied?

I scratched my chin slightly "Hmm... Not really" I say slowly "I think I was more likely to be the bully" I chuckled shamefully and smiled at him "Oh" Zenix mouths and then smiles "Thank you for answering my question sir" He says I nod "Anytime" I chuckle and stand up, He follows and I nod "Good boy"

He follows me as I walk back, Then i realized. I don't know shit about him. 

"Pet" I said and from his "Yes sir?!" I could tell he was surprised. "What are your hobbies?" I asked curiously, "Ehm" He says awkwardly and i can't see him but i could tell he was furiously thinking. "Well I like writing, drawing, and reading" He says and I smile, if you look at him, at first you would think he was a jock and all but turns out: He isn't! "Do you play any sports or instruments?" I asked as we entered the room, He closed the door behind him and I sat down on the bed and looked at him, He was nervously rubbing at his wrists as he stood in front of me, no doubt feeling awkward as i stared at him.

"Well, I like playing the Piano and Singing..." He says slowly "And I used to run track but not as much anymore, sorry sir" He says, Apologizing for no reason again. "Are you good at school?" I ask, tilting my head a bit and I see that my little bit of action causes him to smile cutely and that makes me smile. "Well, I think so? I really like English and Mythology class, As well as Art and Math" he says and I smile.

I think i have a good plan for tomorrow.

"Pet" I said and patted the spot next to me, he sits down and i pull him down into the bed, snuggling up beside him "Yes?" He asks, his voice nervous and he tilts his head up to meet my eyes, I kiss his head "Wake up early tomorrow, We're going to the mall"

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