Chapter 3

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Copyright © 2012 Kamilla

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Chapter 3.

“What are you doing here?” I asked with a shaking voice, my eyes fell upon the half-closed door and I wondered if I could run faster than Jonah. Probably not.

Jonah held one of my thick books and it looked like he was reading the description at the back, he looked up from the book so our eyes locked in a awkward silence. His face remained expressionless, but he suddenly spared me a short smile. Which made me relax, just a little.

“This one is really good,” he said and placed it back to its place in the bookshelf.

What the? Why isn't he angry?

I was expecting a violent outburst. Him throwing the book at me and screaming, something close to that. But instead, nothing. It was just as normal as it can get.

Without making it too obvious I started making my way back to the door, and I tried my best to make it look like I was going to grab my cellphone on my desk. Jonah on the other hand, flung himself on my queen-size bed and made himself comfortable while motioning for me to come over.

“Come on, I haven't seen you all day,” he said and continued to smile his charming smile like nothing had happened at all. Like a careful prey I neared my predator, or Jonah, the same thing.

I didn't know what to do when I lay down next to him, it's hard to say no to Jonah when he demands something, and at this moment I felt like nothing at all had happened. His arms sneaked around my waist and he closed the space between us by pulling me pressed up against his body.

His strong perfume surrounded me like a strangling fog immediately, making me have to breathe without using my nose. My body was still tense and I had a hard time trying to relax in his arms, what if he was acting? Or what if he doesn't know...

A small smile tugged on my lips. If he doesn't know all I have to do is to play with it all, duh. After this whole day I've realized something, getting on Jonah's bad side will give me nothing but pain. Trying to put him in jail won't stop his friends from hurting me nor Michael. We need something more useful against Jonah. Right now, all I need to do is love Jonah and try to find something dirt on him and all of his friends.

My face was pressed against his muscular chest and I had the urge to sneeze because his shirt oozed from manly perfume. Is it one thing I'm allergic to, it's perfume, especially man perfume it makes me sneeze like crazy.

“I've missed you today,” Jonah whispered lovingly.

This was the Jonah I fell in love with, the cozy and romantic one, but I know too well that he's not like this all the time. He got some, very few, good sides and some bad sides. It's sad that all the good things he have done can't measure up to all the bad things he also have done.

“You too,” I said and tried to make my voice sound longing-like by sighing deeply.

Yeah, it's not like I can say that instead of missing and thinking of him today, I've tried to have him jailed by going to the police and showing them a pretty bad video of him. And that Michael isn't his real friend, no, Michael is a backstabbing bitch in Jonah's eyes. Well, I'm certainly not telling him that, not willingly nor alone.

He held me tighter and I had to gasp for air by the force he was using, my ribs felt like they would burst at any time and he didn't even seem fazed. His empty gaze remained at the wall or whatever behind me and held me in his rock hard arms before speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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