F i v e?

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Day 3 p2
R.S.H. (P.O.V.)

It is now the end of the day and I am at my locker about to go home. When calum walks up to me.
" hey can you meet me at my flat to do homework" he says
" yeah sure what time?" I reply
" uh is 6:30 cool and can i have our number so i can text you my address" he says
" yeah sure lets switch phones, ill see you there" I reply and after we give our phones back he walks away I then exit he building and meet up with Emma and Ashton they live near each other so Ashton always drops Emma off.
"Hey" I say
" yo yo" Emma says
" What are you doing today Riley" Ashton asks
I was gonna say nothing but I stopped and I remembered what I'm doing
" oh I'm going to calums house at 6:30 to do homework" I say
" Ooooohhh Calums Houseee" Emma teases
" oh okay be careful ok" Ashton's says
"Yes dad" I reply mockingly
Dun dun dun dun dun dun
My phone rings it's my sister I say
Would you come the fuck on
Um watch the profanity
Shut the fuck up before I start making out with Jake in the back of it he's horny
Ew gross I'm coming
" I gotta go before my sister ducks her boyfriend in the back of her car" I say annoyed
" oh god"
" yeah bye ill text you guys" I say and I walk away
I hop in he car and put my earbuds in the plug and right before I put one in I say "that's was fucking gross" and let her rant to herself.


I get home at 4 and I don't start any work since I'm doing it with Calum so i just go to my moms room to ask her can I go with calum.
I open her door and she's laying down watching t.v with Tyler her boyfriend
No answer
"Um mom"
No answer
" Savannah shes talking to you" Tyler says
But they both don't look away from the tv don't I feel important
" what Riley" my mom says
"Can I go over a friends at 6:30""
" Is it a boy or a girl because if it was Ashton you wouldn't ask or if it was Emma you wouldn't ask." She says now looking at me
" oh I like your out fit" she says
" um thanks and no his name is calum and he's new" I say
" oh okay sure be safe and don't fuck anyone" she's days
" oh god your just like Aubrey okay bye"
I happily leave the room and go into my grandmas room.
"Hey grandma"
" hi sweetie why are you so happy"
" I'm going to a boys house on purpose and he actually asked me" I say cheery
" aw that's great I told you it would happen. You guys are totally gonna date" my grandma says while doing a little dance in her chair
" 1 do not ever do that dance again and don't get ahead of yourself grandma" I say
"Okay okay well got get ready talk to you later stormer"
"Okay bye"
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you my grandma calls me by my middle name.
I enter my room and touch up my make up while watching some Disney channel because why not its now 6 and I get a text from A random number with and adress I'm guessing its calum so I save the number as
Robin Hood-( Buggah Boo)
I put the pet name just in case i need one to use against him it's now 6:15 so I hop on my skate board and i ride to his flat. I look at his flat and it's pretty nice. I knock on the door and he opens it smiling and I maybe have swooned like a freaking school girl well not like i did.
"Hey baby cakes" he says
"Hi I am not gonna get used to that name" I reply
" we'll welcome to my house mi casa sou casa"
" ha thanks your house is Comfy" i say looking around
" so I made us some pop corn and we can chill on the couch."
"Ok I say sitting down while he does the same"
" so what do you wanna do first" he says
" ooo let's play 20 questions" I say
"Okayyy" he says hesitantly
"Alright first question, i say what's your full name?"
" Why it sucks ass" he says
"It can't be worse than mine"
" alright Calum Thomas Hood" he says shyly
"Aw it's cute it's like a cuddly name, oh my gosh I wanna cuddle with your name" I say laughing
" ha haha what about you" he responds
" I'm to telling you it's horrible" I say
" It be horrible it's probably nice" he says
" okay Riley Stormer Holmes" I say shyly this time
" oh my gosh Riley it's so bad ass your middle name is stormer" he says basically fan girling.
"Thanks for making me feel special so let's finish this homework so we can have fun." I State and he agrees
1 hour later
After some messing around and work doing we're finally done our homework.
" Wanna go to the park" he says
" sure lets go" I reply
We both grab our skateboards and leave his house I was going to ask him where's him parents but I decided not to.
Once we reach the park we set our skateboards down.
"Race you to the swings" he says
We're both running but he soon gets ahead of me and before I know it he's there before me. I get there and start to fake cry and he just laughing so herd he's about to cry. We both start swing at a slow pace.
" so what school did you go to before" I asked
" Oh just some school in Sydney" he answered
"You lived In Brisbane, that's cool so why'd you move here." I asked
" For the musical talents college here" He said hesitantly
" oh yeah it's called Wentz college of the musical arts." I say
" yeah that's the one"
" I wanna go there too" I inform him
" really can you sing" he asks
" some people say I'm good but I don't really think so I am good at bass and guitar like I told you that day" I say
" that's really cool who taught you" he asks
"Not really anyone my dad was into music but I basically taught myself"I say looking at the time it's about 9
" I have to be home by 10 and I'm hungry wanna go get some chic fil a" I say
"Okay I love it there it's my ultimate favorite" he says
"Okay cool lets go get our board" I say now at my board and I hop on we ride in sync and in comfortable silence
Once we reach chic fil a we carry our skateboards inside and we wait in line.
I order a twelve piece nugget meal with an Oreo milkshake and he orders the same he immediately pays "I can pay you back you didn't need to pay"I say digging in my pocket.
"No it's cool I asked you to come hangout with me" he says
I start to wonder if this is a date after we get our food we eat and chat until 9:40
"Ok we have to go now" I say
"Alright let's head to your place"
We get outside and start to ride at 9:55 we reach my house
I give him a hug and he hugs me back I don't connect the hug and look in his eyes I couldn't almost get lost in them he starts to stare at my lips and he starts moving in when my front door opens widely
"EW GET A DAMN ROOM" Aubrey yells and slams the door
It made the whole situation awkward so I just hug him again
" goodnight cal" I say
" night baby cakes" he says and he hops on his skate board and rides away I walk into my house mesmerized I just go into my room and fall asleep happily. Of course after putting on pajamas.
(A/N) hope you guys liked this chapter it took hard work and that's pretty much it happy reading!! Btw I'm aware there is no chic fil a in Sydney and I added this is gospel by panic at the disco because I love that song and because why not and you might have to watch it on YouTube sorry.

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