The Escape

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The night, as I see, is dead silent. I can hear my own heart racing. Mama and Dada are sleeping in the shed among the hay. I cannot sleep. My mind is being impatient. I want to run away just now. I want to jump off this fence and just run away and have my freedom to myself. But I am scared. What will they do to my parents after I leave? Will they hit them? I am worried.

Though Mama said, "Don't worry about us Son, we will be fine. Even if they hit us, new scars are not going to matter much to the fact that our Son is free."

"If I don't leave now, my parents will be as good as dead with the bruises they have to suffer everyday." I think to myself looking at the fence gate under the pitch black sky with a few tiny stars shining down on me.

Maybe Mama and Dada are watching me with their eyes half shut.

I cannot see them breakdown in front of me.

So, I just take a high jump and I find myself on the other side of the gate.

I run as fast as I can and I do not look back. My tears flow down on my nose and fly along with my pace.

I hear voices of the humans. Panic. Then a shriek. Of my mother.

I take a swift look back at the farm and I see the humans beating my parents with the whip and looking for me.

"I will have my revenge." I think to myself.

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