My Boyfriend Adam

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This is Skyler's story:

Welp. See I met Adam at a concert. It's actually a pretty weird story.

Me and a couple of friends including lolgirly5467 were there. We were sitting down in the V.I.P area. It's basically watching the concert while sitting amd ordering all the food you want! They even have a lounge filled with heaters ots a nice porch and it had tables upon tables of brownies, cookies, a chocolate fountain with strawberries, and a bar. It was AMAZING !

So. This guy walks up to me. I was in the middle of my huddle of friends. You see. I wasn't the prettiest in my group. I wasn't the second or the third. He walks up to me.

"Listen we have to be friends." He says. Then we trade numbers. He had his group of friends. If he'd never walked up to me. I'd have mamy breakup stories because me and Adam have been together for 3 1/2 years now!

So hope you enjoy these little stories. It's just little thing that happen in our life. Now on to Callel.

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