Explaining + NOT innocent me :3

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Hello Wattpad!

This is Goldie and I just wanted to say....You can dare me something that includes Attack on Titan characters now ;D

Erwin:Why are we doing this again?

My wattpad

Erwin: *walks away*

*Laughs* Your no fun xD

Levi: What are you doing? Get back to work!

Y-yes Captain! *Runs off*

Levi: *Sees computer* Whats this? *Turns it on*

Eren: What are you doing in here???

Levi: I had my suspicions but this....*Points at computer* This is innocent!

Eren: Cats galore o.o

Levi: Yup. -.-


Levi: Hey Golden


Levi: Whats with the pictures

*Blushes* Ummmmm

Levi:The cats are so cute

Oh.... *Sighs in relief*

Levi:Your so innocent *Ruffles my hair*

Oi      :(

Levi:*Walks away*

*Runs to room,Turns on computer,and Reads Ereri lemons in peace* Heheh you go boys....

Eren:*Walks in* Hey Golden :D

Eeeeeee *Shuts laptop* Y-yes Eren?

Eren: Levi wants ya

O-okay *Walks out*

Eren:*Sneaks over to computer*Heheh...*Opens it and reads,nearly nosebleeding* o.my.gawd. i wish dis was real....but he like Petra

Levi: What you find?


Levi:??? *Walks over and reads* I.......wut o.o

Both: *Looks at eachother and nosebleeds*Da heck *Runs out nosebleeding*

Armin:You okay Eren?.....Nosebleed.....god help us all

Levi: *Runs over to me*

Hey Captain! *Smiles* Eh?! What are y- EEH?

Levi: *Shakes me* YALL NEED JESUS

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