11. Full Story

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"Why?" He asks me. I look down.

"Because I'm a monster." I whisper. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "When I went to go and sort out an agreement, it was a trap. They wanted me to die, because they knew I knew almost everything about them and that makes me dangerous and a threat. So when I arrived in their territory they surrounded me with their most evil fighters. They tried to kill me and I knew that it was a trap. Something in my mind took over and I just attacked. I killed every demonic in my way. I thought it was a motherly instinct or something because I didn't want Millie to die. I killed everything that got in my way, until I came to the leader. He had a little girl in his arms. A girl that was a demonic. The first ever female demonic. She was two years old. I was then surrounded by other demonics all holding demonic children. They has slept with humans to get them. I remember pulling and arrow out the sheath and notching it on the bow. There was a small opening where I could kill him and I took a risk. I shot the arrow. However at last minute he moved slightly and the little girl was dead. I had killed her. All the other demonics around me then killed the other children, and that was when I put down the bow. I could never use it again. Instead I took out two of my guns, and just as I started shooting one of the demonic werewolves had shifted and they scratched my back. Eight marks. I started shooting them watching them die and I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop until I felt teeth sink into my shoulder and I screamed out in pain. I managed to get a look at who had sunk their teeth in and it was the heir to the demonics. Somehow I managed to get my gun and I pointed at him and shot. He fell over but I clearly didn't kill him... Just made him severely injured. I then noticed that every demonic was dead except from the leader. He gave up. He gave up and put his hands in the air and let me shoot him." I feel tears going down my face like a waterful and I take a shkey breath. "Everywhere I looked there was blood and dead bodies. I was the last one alive. I then saw the demonic children and I just... I couldn't deal with it so I buried eight of them. The eight I didn't kill. They each have their marks on my back. They where all boys. I then took the small girl who had an arrow stuck between her eyes. I remember holding her and crying. I then gave her a traditional werewolf burying by burning her body. I prayed to the moon goddess that she would allow such an innocent spirit into her realm. When it was over I striped out of my hunting gear and I found some clothes in the woods which I changed into and I ran. I ran because how could I go back? It didn't feel like I had a future at base, but I also ran because I killed many... A child." And then for my first time I break down completely. I hear movement and then war hands wrap around me and pull me close to a chest. A familiar chest and I just sob. I sob until their are no tears left in me. When I finish I just listen to the sound of our heartbeats.

"Hal? You're not a monster. You did what you know was right. The girl was going to die at some point... And you made sure that when she did her spirit would stay innocent. You saved her. And Hal, I don't care what you have done. I will always love you." He tells me. I just pull him closer to me.

"How can you love me?" I whisper after awhile.

"Because I have never met anyone who I cared for more that isn't related to me." Is his reply. We sit in a silence again. "Will... What are we going to do?" I ask when my face is dried of tears. He sighs.

"I don't know yet... But when this is all over... We will find a way. A way where I don't lose you." He tells me. I nod my head. Someone knocks on the door before it opens.

"Hey... Um Hal and Will... Alex said that you were talking... But we kinda need you. It is bid..." James says. I sigh,

"What is it?" I ask.

"Uh... Well the leader may or may have not just been spotted in the town nearby killing people." He mutters. I can't go. The first thought that runs through my mind. I pull away from Will and meet his eyes.

"You should go... This might be a good chance." I tell him. He looks torn,

"Will you be okay?" He asks. I give a small smile.

"I will be fine." He nods his head and he looks like he is about to stand up when he leans down and kisses me. He kisses me with a hunger and passion that we used to have when we first got together. I let out a small moan as I let myself sink into the kiss. I am the first to pull away. "You need to go." I tell him. He nods his head again and kisses my forehead.

"Mommy! Daddy! Gruantie is here to take me." Millie cries running in. She jumps up onto the bed and wraps her arms around us, "I will miss you both!" She whispers. I hug her back,

"We will miss you too." I say in return. She pulls away and I kiss her nose.

"Love you mommy... Love you too daddy!" She says before jumping off and she runs outside. I look to Will.

"Be safe." I tell him. He smiles,

"You too." He replies and then gets up. I sit on the bed in the same position I was in. Alex walks in a minute later in his hunting gear,

"You're going?" I ask. He looks at me,

"Yes. And you could to... But you're scared Hal..." He tells me. Pete walks through and I notice he is carrying my bow and a sheath of arrows. He leaves them at the end of my bed.

"Hal. You don't have to, and we aren't forcing you but... We need you." Pete says. He then comes over and kisses my forehead. Before walking out. Alex looks at me and gives me a sheepish smile,

"Don't hate me." He says as he pulls out my original hunting gear.

"If you come then you might need some old luck." He tells me and does the same as Pete before walking out. I stare at what they place at the end of my bed. How did they even get that stuff when it was at base. Something that Will said earlier flashes in my mind,

You saved her.

And that is when I realize what all the dreams I had where about...

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