Chapter 2

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After about three hours standing in John Cassell's very own private dressing wing of his mansion, he finally decided on a black floor length gown with very suggestive cut out showcasing my arms, stomach, and legs. It was nothing I would chose on my own but with the look on their faces, I decided to say yes. Maya went with a white one piece that made her red hair shine even brighter.

"Rowan, that dress looked amazing on you. I would kill for your legs. What is your secret?" Maya asked as we were leaving. I felt very calm and relaxed after the glass or several glasses of champagne that flowed from Mr. John Cassell.

"I used to run. A lot."

"Running. That sounds like torture. Up for a night cap?"

The other thing I noticed about my boss was her appreciation for the not only the finer things in life but also celebrating the finer things with alcohol. Lots of it.

"I'm actually pretty tired. Mind just dropping me home?"

"Sure but raincheck?"

I nodded and smiled. I looked out the window and LA was speeding by. It was so different from New York. The smells, the sounds, the sights, and of course, the people. Everyone in LA was so tan and healthy and blonde. I hoped I could fit in with it all.

The car slowed in front of my apartment villas and I got out. With a wave, I turned and went inside. It didn't hit me until I turned the key that Laurie was probably still mad at me for flaking out on her. I quietly shut the door behind even though it was only a little after nine PM.

I turned and saw Laurie sitting on the white couch in the living room. She was watching something on TV and didn't unlock her eyes until I stood in front of it. She shifted her body to see around me.

"Laurie, come on, please listen. I am so sorry. I had to do this, ok? We had to get fitted for the Billboards and-"

"Rowan. Its fine," she said, turning off the TV and getting up. She stormed past me. "Nice haircut by the way."

I followed Laurie into her bedroom.

"Laurie, stop. I have to do this for work. Maya is my boss. Come on, it's still early. Let's go explore the city."

"How about not. We were supposed to go do all that weeks ago, remember? But you had work. We've been here for almost a month and we haven't done anything together."

"Laurie, we talked about how busy I was going to be and I am sorry about tonight. Hey, listen, tomorrow is Friday and Maya is having a little get together at her house. Come. It'll be fun."

Laurie looked at me and gave me a menacing look but then started smiling. "Ugh, fine, fine but if you bail on me one more time, I'm going back to New York."

I looked at her sideways and smirked. "So, my hair. You like it?"

"Yes. Its very becoming of you."

"I'm not sure what that means but thanks?"

"What does Harry think?"

"I haven't talked to him yet, actually. I texted him earlier." I went back out into the living room and grabbed my phone. Nothing from Harry. "He's probably busy or sleeping. I keep forgetting they are behind over there."

"He's in New York still?"


"Not according to the television. He's in London."

"Oh duh, I knew that. He's with his mom and sister. Wow, I can't believe how much I lose track of time."

"Yea. Me either," Laurie said, sarcastically.

"What's the time difference between here and London?"

"Well, its almost 10 here, so like five AM there."

"Oh jeez, well I'm sure he will call me when he wakes up."

She nodded and after a quick dinner, I quickly got ready for bed and fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.


I was awoken by a dull buzzing and realized my phone was ringing. I quickly pushed back my covers and grabbed the phone. My stomach jumped when I saw it was Harry.

"H-hi." I said, my voice coming out quiet and raspy. My bedside clock read shortly after 6 AM.

"Hello, love. Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I thought you would be up earlier.'

'I-its ok. I got in kind of late last night. Maya and I got fitted for the Billboards."

"Ah, yes. I will be flying into LAX tomorrow. Will you be around at 10 AM?"

I shook my head trying to contemplate what day it was on six hours of sleep. It was Friday which meant tomorrow was Saturday.


"Y-yea. Sorry, I'll be around, yes."

"Good, I'll have a car come get you and take you to the airport. I cannot wait to see you. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Harry. I'm sorry, my sleep schedule has been so terrible lately. I apologize in advance if I am a zombie tomorrow," I said, rolling over and rubbing my forehead. It was going to be long day but I was happy Harry was on the other line starting my day for me.

After saying goodbye, I dragged myself into the bathroom to take a shower. I was hoping the water would wake me up. The bright, white apartment was quiet and I assumed Laurie was still asleep as I picked a coffee flavor for the fancy coffee machine.

It only took a few minutes for my coffee to be ready as I walked into the bathroom. The water was warm as it hit my skin. It was strange pulling my hair into a hair tie considering how short it was now. I shut the water off and grabbed a towel. I took another sip of the coffee before opening the door.

"Done? I gotta pee," a sleepy looking Laurie asked. I quickly moved out of her way as she shut the bathroom door.

I went back into my room and shut the door. I knew Laurie was still half asleep so I paid no mind to her morning behavior. I rubbed my eyes and prayed that the coffee would wake me up. I opened the double doors to my walk in closet and looked around at the new clothes Maya had showered me with. I felt like I was some kind of grand prize winner to win a luxurious lifestyle in LA. I thought back to my first full week working for Maya and how I was awarded with a shopping spree in Beverly Hills. Apparently it was normal for her to do for her workers. I was informed she was from a very wealthy family so dropping a few thousand dollars was nothing to her.

I decided on a pair of mint green high waist jeans and a loose fitting gray tank top. I paired it with a pair of rose gold flats and my new rose gold Fossil watch. I dried my hair and wore it natural which was actually a nice wavy texture. I brushed on some mascara and a pink blush before getting my second cup of coffee.

"Jeez. You look like you walked right out of Rodeo Drive or whatever that drive is called," Laurie said over her cup of coffee. I was surprised seeing her awake this early.

"Well, good morning you to you too," I said, packing up my bag which was also brand new.

"Seriously, why did you even bring anything at all if Ms. Fancy Pants was going to just buy you everything?"

I gave her a look and she shrugged her shoulders. Laurie wasn't one to get jealous of much so this behavior was strange to me and I decided to bypass her comment.

"I'll be home around 6 tonight then we can go to Maya's together, ok?"

Laurie nodded as I finished packing up my bag. "You still want to come, right?"

"What else would I be doing?"

I looked over at Laurie. "Um, ok. Well, I have to go. Call me if you need anything."

I turned before she could say anything else. I didn't feel like fighting with her over whatever was bothering her now. I was cranky and I knew today was already going to be rough on little sleep.

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