Part 22

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Judge Candace: so Amber Jessica Cruz, will not be going to prison, but she will not be taking therapy, thanks to the letter her mother and sister sent me, her mother will be taking those therapy classes, Ms. Cruz is Not Guilty. CASE CLOSED

Officer Sam: are you serious, not guilty?, she killed a man for no reason

Judge Candace: a man, and she went to jail for it, no problem, now like I said THIS CASE IS CLOSED

Jacob: *runs up to Amber and holds her*

Amber: so about those summer plans

Jacob: I'll tell you that later after the last day of school tomorrow 😊 *kisses Amber*

Amber: *kisses Jacob back*

With Andy

Andy: *takes phone out and calls Amber on FaceTime*

Phone Convo:

Amber: what😑

Andy: look I'm sorry about that phone call and me and Jasmine broke up

Amber: I hope it's not because of me, because I have enough people that dislikes me and I don't want my life to be a living hell

Andy: no its not, I just got tired of her, sooo do you wanna go to Dave N Buster's tomorrow

Amber: i don't know, me and Jacob might have plans

Jacob: who are you talking to? 😕 and about what

Amber: Andy, and you said we might go somewhere after school

Jacob: oh I scheduled for the day after tomorrow, my cousin Bella will be here *finishing his vegan shake* oh hey Andy

Amber: ok, well I guess I'll see you there then

Andy: 😊 ok and hey *looks at Jacob* 😕 what is he drinking, trees and water

Jacob: *looks at Andy* 😑

Amber: bye Andy ☺️ *whispers* and no its a lettuce shake i think *looks at Jacob*

Jacob: *rolls his eyes* you can't whisper *walks out*

Andy: bye big sis 😂

Amber: *hangs up*

End of Convo

Andy: *lays down on his back and stares at the ceiling*


Andy: *looks at the message then rolls his eyes*

Txt Convo

Jas✨: can we talk

Andaaay: no 🙅🏽

Jas✨: I just want to know what made you decide on this break up

Andaaay: you trying to pull me away from my sister, and you not putting no sense in yo brothers head, just make sure he remembers that if he tries to bother Amber again, I'm shooting his ass, and stop texting me, wait no, I'm blocking yo ass

End of Convo

With Jasmine

Jasmine: 😠😢 this is all Amber's fault, I need to talk to a close friend right now *calls ???*

Phone Convo

???: wassup Jas

Jasmine: he broke up with me

???: wait what, why

Jasmine: because of his long lost sister Amber

???: *pauses* Amber who? 😈

Shades of Cool {Completed} •Unedited Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ