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Connor sat in his 2nd period biting his nails nervously as he worried about Jude. He needed to know what happened and why Jude didn't show up.

He tried his hardest to get Jude off his mind for a couple minutes, but gave up after realizing there's was actually no possible way of that happening.

He simply slouched in his chair and waited impatiently to see Jude next period.

He glanced at the clock and saw that he only a few minutes left of class. He sighed before whispering to himself. "Thank god."

He decided to pull out his phone and hoped maybe Jude might see his texts since he had his phone out in first period.

Connor had used his phone numerous times during class so he wasn't worried about getting caught as he unzipped his backpack and pulled a book out of it. He rested the book on his lap and placed his phone infront of the pages as he quickly typed out a message.

Connor: Hey

He waited a minute for a response, but when he received none so he typed out another message.

Connor: Why didn't u show up to the bathroom??

Connor: U ok?

He shut off his phone and quickly glanced back up at the teacher to see if he was looking.

Luckily Connor had sat near the back corner of the classroom today, so he was nearly out of sight.

He turned his phone back on and looked at his texts.

No response.

But he looked closer and saw that both texts had been read.

He smiled, thanking god that Jude didn't know how to turn off his reads.

Connor: I know u read my texts, Jude..

Still no response from the other boy.

He groaned and shut off his phone again as he put it back into his backpack along with his book.

Second period had ended and Connor found himself rushing through the halls in attempts to get to his third period before it started so that he could talk to Jude.

He ignored the pain in his foot and the calls from teachers to slow down as he pushed his way through the halls.

He saw the door to his third period a mere 15 feet away and smiled wide as he saw Jude leaning against the wall just outside of the class.

He made his way towards the classroom and saw as Jude made his way through the door once the teacher opened it allowing kids to enter.

He sped through the door smiling wide as he scrambled through desks trying to get over to Jude. He was just so glad to see Jude and to know that he was okay.

But as he got closer, he slowed to a stop. The smile falling from his face as he watched his boyfriend sat at his desk.

He had a black eye.

Connor felt a pang in his chest at the thought of something happening to Jude.

He slowly walked towards Jude and stopped right next to his desk. Jude turned his head to see who was standing next to him and his eyes, or rather eye that wasn't nearly swollen shut, widened. Fear arose in his eyes as he watched Connor lower himself into a squat next to Jude's desk.

Connor brought his hand up to caress Jude's cheek. "Babe, what happened?" He asked, his voice filled with worry.

Jude looked down, seeming ashamed. "Oh, n-nothing." He stuttered out unconvincingly.

Tortured Hearts {Jonnor}Where stories live. Discover now