My nose crinkled in distaste as I picked up the dark wine glass. I pressed my lips against the rim letting the ruby bitter liquid slide down my throat. I set it down looking at the lipstick imprint I left behind. My eyes followed the girls in my class around. Their bedazzled dresses sparkling under the lights. I could just throw them overboard if the opportunity rises. A devious smile spread across my lips. Oh, but what a dream I could configure up. I stood up leisurely making my way to the exit. It was feeling stuffy in here as it was. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two girls shadowing in my escape route. I walked out the doors the breeze ruffling my hair.

"What do you two want?" I asked plainly putting my hands on my hips. They stood tall over me the heels making them taller than ever.

They rolled their eyes at me. "We are holding a party by the life boats tonight." Katie said in a matter of fact tone.

"Your telling me this why?" I watched as they both shot nervous glances at each other.

"We want to invite you silly." Her laugh filled the hall. "Adults would never look there, and not to mention Catherine here is sneaking in some alcohol." She wiggled her eyebrows at that as if the alcohol would entice me to come. "Will you be there?" She asked earnestly.

"I'll try my absolute hardest to make it." I smiled briefly at them.

"Awesome." Katie smiled.

I swiftly made it to room locking the door behind myself. I kicked my shoes off feeling my stomach coil. Out of all parties they've had to of thrown I just had to go to this one out of oddity. Plus I said I would. I took off the dress, walking to my closet to find clothes to change into. I pulled a black tank top over my head it hugged my stomach smugly. I walked out grabbing a pair of running tights off the floor. Hopefully they clean. I stepped into them pulling them up. I put my socks and shoes on huffing. This was so exhausting. I grabbed my phone deciding it was time to go to the life boats. Before I left I grabbed a jacket for the cold.

Each step I took just made my stomach feel more unsettling. I wounded down the halls fighting down the feeling that I shouldn't of came. Atlas I found the party. Lights flashed everywhere as sweaty bodies grinded against one another to the loud music. My nose crinkled as I steered away from the large pungent crowd. Next time I come to one of these I am definitely bringing a nose plug. I made my way to the edge of the boat. The sea breeze clearing my mind. This would be a lot more peaceful without all the people. I smiled to myself at the thought.

"Enjoying yourself sweetheart?" I stayed put not wanting to deal with another boy. "Come on babe don't be like that." I could smell the alcohol off of him as he moved in closer to me.

"Nick leave her alone, clearly she isn't interested like every other girl here." Katie said with vemon. He grumbled smart remarks as he walked away. "So have you had any booze yet?"

"Nah." I said glancing at her briefly.

"Really? Its good stuff, it makes my throat burn a little when I swallow." She began to ramble on.

"Katie you don't have to pretend to impress me." I watched as her shoulders relaxed.

"How did you know?" She asked curiosity lighting her blue eyes.

"Look at your glass its full. You haven't smudged the glass with your lipstick either." She looked at her glass in astonishment. "Not to mention you don't smell like alcohol."

"How. I've barely stood here for a minute and you figured me out." She pondered for a brief moment.

I turned around to face her looking up for I was shorter. "It's common sense hun."

"You don't like me do you?" She asked slumping against the edge. She went on talking about how I don't like her. I was about to cut in when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.

"Shh. Do you see that?" She followed my finger as I traced the black blur.

"Stop trying to distract me Alex I'm asking you a question." She grabbed my shoulder forcing me closet to her. Kids already began to crowd some were saying I was about to throw her overboard. "Why do you hate me?"

My eyes drifted to the shadow again. It was right over us. "Katie just look up." All at once it barreled down towards the group for Katie. Its ghostly hands pulling her towards the sky as I latched on. I began to pull her and the shadow down watching as its grip loosened.

"Y-You don't hate me." She gasped as it let go shooting towards the sky. "You saved me, how can I ever repay you?"

Before I could answer I was ripped away and thrown into the water. I could hear screams and see other kids getting flung into the water. The cold water tormented at me pushing me under the icy waves. In the panic above someone released a dozen life boats. I swam to the nearest boat shivering from the cold water and cool breeze. I drifted away barely making out the other kids climbing into boats of their own. I curled up on my boat as my teeth chattered. I hope I didn't make the wrong choice. I settled down deciding to rest my eyes momentarily.

"Hey!" I opened my eyes to feel the sun against my skin. I squinted at the boy that paddled towards me. "I thought it was going to be only me." He huffed as he neared me. "Do you know what that was-" He began to ask as his paddles were ripped away from his grip now settling beneath the water. His eyes were wide as he dared not to speak.

"Stay completely still." I whispered beginning to make my way towards the side of my boat. I jumped back from the scene that bestowed me. Things half human and fish slithered below us. Before I could warn him a beautiful woman popped alongside his boat.

She smiled enchantingly at him as she propped her hands up on his boat. "Hello young hero." His face slacked at her words as he smiled at her. "Come here, I want to tell you something." She waved her tail back and forth as others swarmed below. Soon two others came to his boat smiling at him. He leaned towards them his eyes in a glaze as they spoke sweet nothings to him. I grabbed a paddle trying to get away swiftly. Something latched on to it trying to pull it away. I reared my arm back and shoved the paddle back down feeling the impact. I pulled the paddle up to see a thick ruby liquid run off the end of my paddle.

Atleast seven or so mermaids lined along his boat. Far more swam below. All at once an ear splitting scream left one of them and they attacked. The boy was snagged off the boat just as the fowl creatures tipped it over. I strained my neck to see the scene under the water. The boy was being ripped apart the once blue water was now stained red. A finger surfaced as I looked away holding back my throw up.

"Why hello child." A slender body hoisted itself up on the edge of my boat. I jumped slightly turning towards her. "Oh my you certainly aren't a boy." She held back her shock. "I've never encountered a real mundane girl before, may I feel your hair?" She cooed waving her tail gently under the water as she reached for me.

I glared at her. "Your spell doesn't work on me. Keep it up and your blood will be on the end of this paddle next!" She bared her teeth at me as her tail swished under the water viciously. Before she could spit out a snide remark pipes began to play a melodic tune. Her eyes narrowed at me. She ducked under the water swimming away with the rest of her family. I settled down in the middle of my boat the tune relaxing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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