Chapter 6 the deal

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You reached Gerard's bus. He opened the door letting you walk in first. When you entered you saw that the bus was already messy. "How did you guys manage to do all this in such little time?" You asked. "I can't really explain it but things tend to get out of hand pretty quickly on our bus". You giggled and he looked at you and smiled. He walked over to a couch that was placed up against the wall. He moved some clothes and a bag off of it and sat down. He patted the spot next to him while saying "come sit here". You walked over and sat next to him, setting your supplies down on your lap. "May I" he said motioning towards your sketch book. "Go ahead" you answered and with that he picked up the sketch book an began flipping through the pages, scanning each one. "Y'know I don't why you think you need help, you're really good". He said sincerely. "Thank you but I think I could use some work. For example, with the way I draw faces, but not cartoony faces, real life faces like yours or mine" you told him. He nodded while flipping to a new page "I can help you with that". "Thank you Gerard it means a lot that you would take time out of your day to do this". You smiled but couldn't manage to look him in the eyes, you were to shy. "You don't need to thank me, I like spending time with you Evelyn. This isn't some kind of chore for me, I enjoy it" he said back shyly. You really wanted to hug him, to show him how much you cared but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Plus you didn't want to weird him out. All you could do was smile at him and say "that's a relief". "You don't think I enjoy your company?" He said with an almost hurt expression. "It's not really that, I just don't want to make you do something like this for me if you don't want to" you explained. "Well I wouldn't have invited you over unless I didn't want to". He smiled. "That's true" you sighed. "Anyway I had something to ask you" he said. Excitement bubbled inside of you along with anxiety. What is it?! "Ask away" you said trying to stay calm. "Well lately I've been wanting to learn how to play guitar, not to play on stage or anything but maybe to help write songs in my spare time. Since you know how to play I wanted to make a little deal with you" he said. "Alright what is the deal" you asked. "The deal is I'll teach you how to draw if you teach me how to play guitar". "Of course I'll teach you it'd be a nice way of repaying you" you said. "Alright it's a deal" he said while sticking out his hand. You shook it and your hearted jumped when you touched his hand. "Do you have a guitar you could use?" You asked. "I can just borrow one of Ray's or Frank's.  But enough about me, let's start drawing". You drew together for a few hours. You talked and laughed a lot, man you love his laugh. It was so cute. The odd thing is that you weren't usually this talkative around new people but with Gerard it was different. When you were around him you felt comfortable and excepted. There was also a few moments that night that made your heart explode. A few examples would be...
1. You both reached for a pencil at the same time and your hands touched.
2. Gerard had told you to try drawing a face and he would tell you anything that needed fixing along the way. While you were drawing he scooted closer to get a better look and your legs were touching.
3. One of your weaknesses when it came to drawing faces is (whatever your weakness is). To help you, Gerard put his hand on yours to guide it across the page.
The list could go on. After drawing for a  few hours you noticed it was getting late. "Shit it's already 10:00, that didn't feel as long as it was" you said and then yawned. "I guess we were having to much fun to notice. I wonder where the guys are, I thought they'd be back by now I don't even know where they are" Gerard said getting up off the couch and stretching. You were to tired to get up by yourself so you asked for some help, "can you help me" you said reaching out your hands. Gerard giggled while grabbing your hands and hoisting you up. He pulled a bit to hard so you ended up falling forward onto him. Luckily he didn't fall over but you were pressed together still holding hands. You took a step back blushing letting go of his hands. "Sorry about that" he said looking down at his feet, embarrassed. "Don't worry, it was an accident" you reassured him. He looked up and smiled, relieved. "Well I should go and try to sleep and you should to because we have shows to do tomorrow" you said. "Okay thanks for coming Evelyn". "Thank you for the lessons" you replied hugging him. He hugged back tighter. When you both let go you smiled at each other. "We'll have to arrange the next lesson" he said. "Of course, we can talk more about that tomorrow. Bye gerard". "Bye Evelyn". And with that you left.

A/N another chapter finished. By the way the amount I got a notification saying I have 100 views on this story so THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE ALL SUPER RAD AF. I really appreciate it.

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