4 people 1 room for 5 days

301 13 20

Jazmine: Hello everyone!!

Everyone: Hello!

Sari: We got a dare for Optimus and Jazmine.

Opimus: This not gonna be good.

Jazmine: Nope.

Molly: I dare you and optimus have to sit in a room with blitzwing random and me for 5 days

Jazmine and Optimus: WHAT?!?!!?!!

Blitzwing random and Molly: *chuckles evilly*

Jazmine, Optimus, Blitzwing Random, and Molly walks into another room.

Kenzie: Hope Bltiz Random and Molly can survive when Jazmine is in there.

Megatron: And why you say that?

Kenzie: They don't know that she gets pretty annoyed and irritated when someone bugs her off the limits where she rather not be pushed. I wish them good luck.

Everyone: *gulps* We wish them good luck as well. 0_0

Sari: Well on the fifth day they'll be let out. Well thats all for now! V-

Sentinel: Vote and Comment!

Sari: Seriously Sentinel?!

Sentinel: Yep >:p

Shadow: Transform and Roll out!!!

Optimus: WHY!!!!

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