Margaret Jean Hart

13 3 0

     Hi I'm Margaret! I'm 15 and I live in Pensacola Florida. I go to Scott high school. I'm in 10th grade and I'm known as the "babe" of the school. I don't think I'm that pretty but everyone else does.

     I have a crush who I think is the babe of the school. His name is Ryan. He is 5'4 and he's 15. He is so cute that I could lock him in a cage like a dog.


                Today I've had 4 guys ask me out. I said no because I'm not sure if I want to date yet. I'm more focused on school than boys. This is normal. Almost every boy in school has asked me out except for Ryan and my brother Luke. I'm happy my brother did not ask me out. That would've been awkward.


            Ryan is so cute! He is charming and loving and kind. He would probably never ask me out even if I'm the     "Babe" of the school. I wish that somebody I liked asked   me out. Not jocks (to tough) or geeks (to smart). Ryan's      just right the combination of jock and geek. Gock. Hey don't judge! I have my..... NEVERMIND.

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