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Today my friend Rachael invited me to go to Starbucks with her and her sister Samantha. A/N Rachael and Samantha are twins. I always get the same thing. Caffe Mocha with whipped cream. Anyway…when my mom dropped me off, Rachael and Samantha were sitting at a table waiting for me. I came over there and Rachael said " Well look who decided to show up, huh? " "well in my defense my dad wrecked his car and he was fine but my mom had to pick him up and bring him home so sorry for the twenty minute delay!" "Sheesh Marge no need to be sassy!" That Samantha was just… plain crazy. Anyway back to my life. "Have any boys asked you out today Margaret?" Rachael is very nosey. " Well some new kid on our street he's 14 like me did. And surprisingly that's all."

Well that's what we talked about until…

"Hi!" Ryan talked to me! "Uh, hi!" I am already screwing up this conversation. "Oh! Sorry Margaret I was talking to my sister on the phone." OMG I am so stupid! He wasn't talking to me he was talking to his sister on his phone! He seemed a little to close to our table! "Marge you better sit down before you go crazy." Samantha always calls me Marge. " Samantha mind your own beez wax!" "I can't your at lunch with us and you are right in front of me." I am very stupid. After that my phone buzzed. It was a text from my mom.

Mom: hey Marge come home quick! We need to talk.

Me: how? You dropped me off

Mom: walk it's only 2 blocks away

Me: k

That's when I said my goodbyes and picked up my purse then left.

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