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We, all five of us, hopped out of the van and picked up our bags from the boot. It was so exciting, being here to meet fans.. the people who thought we were cool, top notch, inspirational, I've heard I saved lives, made people happy again and now, I'd finally met all of these people (or as many as I could). We were at some centre that I'd forgotten the name of but we booked it so it was exclusive for people who'd bought tickets. Just us and our fans.

As we walked through the carpark, up to the venue, I saw another van. Somebody must've come with their whole group of friends. "Hey Jackson" Holly called out. I spun arond and pursed my lips, raising an eyebrow which indicated for her to continue. "Why are there so many cars? Do you think everybody is here early?" she asked as the other three walked over slowly.

I set down my bag on the ground and rubbed my arm awkwardly. "I don't know. Probably, internet people are crazy. Who knows what they'll do just to see us" picking up my bags again, I walke with the girls into the main room which was more like a foyer of some sort. As I looke across the room, I saw a group of boys. I squinted, as they were quite far away. Maybe 8 of them? Why did they have bags? Were they crazy obsessed fans who stayed the night? Are they the ones you had the van? I already saw Delilah approach them, with her cute shorts, tucked in jersey, knee socks and black converse. She was adorable and short but proud and confindent.

"Excuse me" I heard her interupt "Are you here to see us?" She asked. The boys laughed a little and all stared her down. I don't think it was supposed to be intimidating but Delilah got defensive and straightened her back, puffing out her chest a little bit. Once they realise she was being serious, the joking around came to a stop and they all looked at each other quizically. "Come to see you? We thought you would've come to see us. We booked this place for a meet up but if you'd like a picture or something just ask." I over heard one of them speak. Delilah's eyes widened and she turned to face our group which made the boys face our group too. She beckoned me over and so leaving my bags, I jogged over. "What's happened?" I asked casually. "These guys say they booked the place" Shrugged Delilah. Although I'd heard their conversation, I still looked down at her, puzzled. "I thought we did" I responded. This resulted in great confusion between all of us and soon, both groups were seated on the floor and just talking.

"So what do you guys do?" Asked Jennifer.

"We do vines" a guy named Nash answered.

"So do we!" Jennifer grinned at Nash but really, her eyes were on some guy named Cam.

I stared at the door behind Nash and saw girls swarming the door. I quickly stood up and rushed over to the door. Waving at everyone who then gave me weird looks.

"Is she Nash's new girlfriend?"

"WTF, she isn't even that pretty"

"I think I've seen her on vine before!"


This was literally all I heard. I squinted at the girl who said I wasn't pretty and raised an eyebrow, steppig away from the glass door. I put my hands on my hips and stared while everyone came over to look at the girls.

"What a bitch" i mumbled. As Nash came up behind me, the girl who said I wasn't pretty started screaming at Nash. "Oh my god! Remember me!" She screamed and Nash put his arm around my shoulder. Just for kicks, I leaned in and glared at the girl whos face then dropped and she looked absolutley mortified. "Guys!" Cam came running up "We have to sort out our little situation before we open the doors"

We all nodded and hummed, slowly walking back to go find whoever booked us in here.

"Excuse me" I asked.

"Yes?" the man replied.

"Do you work here?" Delilah cut in.

"Yes, I do. Can I help you?"

We then continued to explain what had happened and the man seemed to think about it for a while. "I believe we've accidentally double booked you in. If you want , we could reschedule?"

The girls and I shook our heads while the boys set up their side. "We'll just split the room in two, if that's ok"


While the girls and I were setting everything up, the boys opened the doors and a flood of girls and a handful of boys rushed in. "Nash! Hayes! Cam!" and so on were screamed out. There were more of them, I just never learnt their names so I zoned out until girls ran over to our side too "Delilah! Jennifer!"

"Jackson!" I turned around and was met with around 10 people or more rushing towards me. "Hey!" I smiled at them all.


We all took pictures and had fun while the other girls helped us set up and others were walking in. By the looks of it, the boys had many more fans than us but that was fine, we were grateful for the amount that we had.

We slowly began the meet and greets, when fans from the magcon group came over and joined our group and slowly our group expanded while Nash's group shrank.

I walked over to the girls; Delilah, Jennifer, Kate and Holly.

"Do you guys see this?" I nodded at the large group of girls conversing. "I think our fanbase is growing?"

"Hey Jackson, can I talk to you?" Nash interuppted and I shrugged, looking at the girls and then back at him.

"Sure" I replied, walking over.

"I see you've won over our fans" he smirked and looke over at our group.

I shrugged again and nodded "Didn't mean to but it appears we have" I smiled up at him.

"You've also won over my heart" He grinned down at me sheepishly and I rolled my eyes, my smile widening.

"Come on, I deserve ten points for that. It was smooth 'AF' "

I chuckled and eventually snorted.

"Sure you have" I kissed Nash on the cheek "Nerd".


So I didn't know how to continue this after the fns ran to the door nd shit plus I've got Drag Me Down on replay. Oh my lord.

I apologise for not finishing this properly. It was rushed and stuff and i am so sorry. Have a nice day though. 

Nash Grier Imagines [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now