An Ending Leads To A Better Beginning

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Laurence POV

So. That was it, my last day ever of school. That feels so good to say. Though I will miss school to some aspects. Definitely won't miss a level art that's for sure.

"Hey Bevers!" I hear a voice coming from behind me. It's my best friend Jamie, she and I have been friends since year 7, now we're inseparable.
"Jamieee!" I laugh as she grins at me.
We walk out the gates and Jamie turns around and puts her middle fingers up towards the school. This is why she's my best friend.

We've planned on going to a concert tonight, as a celebratory event for school being over. Plus Jamie is good friends with the members of the band we're seeing. It's just a little pub gig but that makes it even better. Beer and music. What else could I need?

I apply a thick rim of eyeliner to finish off my outfit. 10 minutes to spare before we have to leave for this concert. Everyone else is downstairs, being rather loud as they already had a few drinks. I run downstairs, put on my black converse and follow everyone outside as we make our way to the venue. We live a 5 minute walk away rather conveniently.

Just as we arrive the band come on stage. I find myself fixed looking at the red haired lead singer. There was something about him, something different. I felt something... Towards him.
"Hey what's the red haired one called?" I question Jamie.
"Kier. Kier Kemp, I could introduce you to him after if you like?" She replies
"Sure!" I grin excitedly.

Once the gig is over Jamie introduces me to Kier.
"Kier this is Laurence, Laurence this is Kier" Jamie announces pushing me towards Kier.
"Hey! Love the shirt!" Kier exclaims; I was wearing a Green Day shirt.
"You sir, have a great taste in music!" I state smiling at Kier.

We speak for what seems like hours. I find myself... Attracted to this guy. It confuses me, I've never been attracted to guys... Or girls. I've never really been attracted to anyone. But there was something about this guy, his bright eyes and enthusiasm was so adorable.
Kier and I ended up exchanging numbers, he said he wanted to speak to me more. I was surprised at that, I feel like nobody ever does want to speak to me really.

Kier POV
I'm extremely attracted to that Laurence guy I met tonight. But I'm scared. I've been with so many guys and they were all dicks. It feels different with Laurence. No Kier that's what you thought about the last one and you caught him making out with someone else. I'm done with relationships, we can just be friends.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it's awful I'm still trying to develop my writing skills.

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