Chapter 4

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"I can't get either of them on the phone," Chibs spoke without his usual jovial tone. "Tried her cell, both of his and the landline, got nothing."

Clay and Jax were visibly annoyed, figuring it had something to do with the gun drop plan. "She's giving him shit," Clay complained.

"We don't know that," Chibs said defensively.

"He could just be trying to butter her up," Tig said with a filthy grin.

The low rumble of Opie, his prospect Miles, and Piney arriving piqued some of their interests. "Maybe they got something," Bobby mused.

They didn't. No one had heard from Amelia or Juice going on twenty-four hours and it was disconcerting for all but for a varied number of reasons. Clay sent a few of them off to dig a little deeper and contact whose few club friendly civil servants they knew in hopes of getting some answers.

"Give it some time," Chibs said protectively. "I'll have a go to see if I can't find them."


"This is some real bullshit," Amelia sniffled as Raylan snuck into the tiny windowless room where they were holding her. "Where's Juice?"

"Down the hall," Raylan said quietly. "They'll talk to you him soon; I just wanted to check on you." He handed her a bottle of water and a pack of stale crackers. "Best I could do," he said apologetically.

"You know our lawyer is going to have a fucking field day with the way we've been treated, don't you?" Hesitantly she opened the bottle and chugged half of it, she would have loved to throw it in Raylan's face but she was desperate for something to drink.

Raylan shook his head and sat across the table from her. "Probably but the federal system," he grimaced, "She's not going to get far. This isn't really that bad."

"Just for smoking weed, this isn't bad for smoking weed?"

"In the scheme of things, it's really not. Marijuana isn't legal federally," he explained, "Just at the state level so, -"

"I'm not an idiot," she snapped. "I know that, but being arrested by the FBI or Charming PD doesn't make the charge any worse, Raylan."

"No, it doesn't, but it's easier to sue to threaten to sue a local department. I'm sorry."

Rolling her eyes hard she slumped down in her seat. "So you started this, huh?"

"No," he said quickly before backpedaling, "Well, inadvertently." Seeing her disgust and anger, Raylan sighed and wished she would understand but he knew no matter what he said, she would blame him. "I did, I called Kyle for some favors when I was looking into your uncle and instead of turning a blind eye, he dug deeper."

"You're an idiot," her palms stung as she slapped them down on the tiny steel table. "I'm done. If you want to ask me anything or talk to me, go through my lawyer."

"Amelia, I didn't want this."

"Bullshit," she snarled, "You've wanted to lock up my guys since we first met."

"Your guys?" He asked, head to the left, surprised she was so seemingly attached to the whole club now.

"Chibs and Juice," she said quietly. "They love the club so I love the club. Raylan, please," Amelia's eyes were glistening with tears as she looked at him, "Don't help him."


"Where's my wife?" Juice was standing when Kyle entered the room wearing a toothy smile on his face.

"She's comfortable," he smirked. "Think I saw Raylan bringing her something to eat."

Juice was fuming, his body language screaming how well Kyle's words worked, as he hovered in the corner of the room. "Kind of pathetic," he forced a menacing laugh, "Still going after her after she shot him down."

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