Chapter 2

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Anyone else freaking out over Drag Me Down? It's like the best song ever okay I'm done. I'm listening to it right now while writing. This chapter is going to be bameron filled but that still doesn't mean their going to end up together at the end.

Beth POV:
"Omg ONE DIRECTION NEW SONG DRAG ME DOWN OMG HELP ME!!!!" I yelled. "Oh my god it's the best!!!!" Rachel said.

We're currently at the sleepover fangirling over one direction's new single "Drag Me Down"(no joke like go buy it now it's perfection).

"All my life you stood by me while no one was ever behind. All these lights they can't blind me. With your love nobody can drag me down!" "Yassss slay girl!!"

After fangirling we decided to watch a movie. "Okay have the fault in our stars, twilight, maze runner, mocking jay part 1, or hunger games?" "The fault in your stars!!!" "Okay."

During the end of the movie I was balling my eyes out. "Why can't I have an August Waters?"

The next day....
"Rachel! Can you drive me to my house I need to get something to wear." "Sure come on." she said while grabbing her keys. Once we got their I quickly went up to my room and grabbed a green oversized flannel, some leggings and my white high top converse. I got changed into them really quickly and didn't bother to put on makeup.

I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun and removed my contacts from last night. I wore my glasses since I'm out of contacts.

I grabbed my backpack and phone and rushed downstairs. I saw Rachel on her phone. "Okay I'm ready lets go."

She drove us back to her house and we waited for the rest to get ready. "Who are we waiting on?" "Eva." "EVA HURRY UP!" "Okay okay I'm ready lets go."

Once we arrived at school Madison and her group were at the parking lot talking. I walked past them but she stopped me.

"Hun ever heard of something call makeup?" "Madison stop she doesn't need makeup okay?" Lauren said. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

"Madison is annoying as fuck." "Your telling me." I walked to my locker and saw Cameron there. Great.

He was with Matthew I think. I opened my locker and put my books in. "Hey Mota." I ignored him and continued to put my books in. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw him roll his eye.

"Come to my house again we need to finish our project." "Since when did you care about that?" "Well my mom found out and she got mad so." "Well I'm not going to your house you come to mines. Who knows if your going to be putting your tongue down Madison's throat again."

Matt laughed while Cameron just rolled his eyes. "Fine." "Okay see you then Dallas." I said walking away.

I walked down the hallway and saw Kian. "Hey Kian!" "Hey Beth." "Okay sorry for not hanging out with you yesterday but do you want to hang out this Saturday there's a carnival in town." "Sure what time?" "Uh 12?" "Sure."

The bell rang and I had to go to Science. "Bye Kian I'll see you next period." "Bye Beth." He said while hugging me. Oh my god I got butterflies in my stomach when he hugged me.

I walked to Science and sat down. Cameron came in and sat down next to me. "Change in plans I can't come." "What do you mean you can't?! It's our project! It's due tomorrow!" "Sorry Mota." "Ugh what are you doing that's so important?!" "Going to a party." "Your kidding me right?!" "Does it seem like I am?" "You have to help me with this. I can't finish it by tomorrow all by myself. So cancel that little party of yours." "Nope can't it'll ruin my reputation." "You seriously care about your reputation more than your education?" "Yea so?" "Dumbass." I muttered.

Please ~ Bethany Mota, Kian Lawley, Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now