chapter 1

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"Don't go. Ryan I'm sorry!" I lay in a bed that's not only mine, but is shared with a warm presense. I didn't know it would happen this way;  Tears rushed down my face as Ryan leaves in disgust.

"What's his problem?" I look at the guy who I think is named luke. What did I get myself into this time?

"I know it doesn't look like much but here." He hands me a small Ziploc baggey with little white pills inside. I take the bag and quickly told him to leave, I can't handle to see his face anymore. Tears spill from my eyes as I start to cry again as its the only thing that I can do, yet it doesn't really help.

After like what seems like an hour of whimpering and gasping, I decide to wash my dirty body.


Once I'm out of the shower I throw on some pajamas and lay in my bed. All I can do and think about is Ryan leaving with that expression he gave me. I knew he was mad and honestly I would be too if my best friend had sex with drug dealers just for a high.

I couldn't help it, its just how I am, I'm addicted and there's no going back. It started with that night, I wouldn't be addicted if it wasn't for that night. At that thought I start to get twichy, just plain needy for it. I haven't had my daily dose yet and I know I sound crazy but it is the only thing getting me through life.

I rub my nose, getting fidgety, sweat slowly dripping down my neck. I sit up and pull a pill out the baggey, I grab my razor. I cut the pill in half and put one half back, I can't go too far. I crush the remains and snort it, instantly becoming relaxed, the good feelings instantly come back, washing away all the previous pain. I lay back and let it work it magic as I stare up at the ceiling when suddenly, my phone buzzed. I grab it from my side and look at the text.

Why? Was all I thought before darkness fills the room.

~srry its short, this is my first story and I hope u like it. I'll update soon! Keep rosey~
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