Chapter 8

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I felt his body weight release off of me, He was thrown to the ground. I saw the anger in Lukes eyes. He threw a punch towards Beaus face and kicked at his stomach. "You never ever touch her" he spat, "She's mine" I replayed those words in my head once again. She's mine? I don't belong to anyone although, I quite liked the protectiveness of Luke. He stood straight up in just his shorts and white top was slung across his shoulder, he threw another punched towards Beaus face. My eyes clouded over and a tear slid down my face. I watched in horror and he kicked him again. "STOP LUKE" I wrapped my hands tightly around my mouth and held my eyes closed. Luke stopped as he  looked at me. I trembled on the sofa and I wrapped my arms around my legs, I felt afraid. I wanted everything to stop. He left Beau on the ground and retreated back to me, He lifted me up bridal style and I sobbed into his chest. 

He lied me down into his bed, I rubbed my eyes,  I shrieked when I noticed the black marks smeared across my knuckles, I leapt into his bathroom and locked the door. I didn't want him seeing me like this, I soaked some toilet roll and dabbed it around my eyes, I heard a knock on the door, It was Luke. I discarded the dirty tissue and unlocked the door, I pulled on the handle and looked up at his face. He looked scared, his eyes were puffy. Had he been crying? I wrapped my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair. His arms rested on my waist and I felt him lift me up, I curled my legs around his torso, I pulled back my head and stared curiously at his lips. Should i? I felt his hand squeeze my thighs so I just went in for it. I kissed him passionately,  I allowed his tongue to enter. It was perfect. I pulled back and nuzzled my nose with his. He smiled and put me down onto his bed, although I wanted to snuggle up to Luke. I thought of Beau, hurt and bruised on the floor. I got up immediately and ran towards the living room, He was still lying down on the floor. I got some ice and laid it on his bruises. I pulled up his shirt and thought back to the traumatising event. I felt areound the cut, it was swollen across his stomach. I knew Luke was behind me and I knew he wouldn't want me to help him but I had to, It was the least  I could do. I mean it was my fault anyway.

"Beau wake up, Its April, Beau?" I held his head in my hands and shook it lightly. His eyes fluttered open, he smiled at me and the his jaw dropped when he saw Luke. His whole body tensed and he started crawling backwards, cowering. He was afraid. "It okay Beau" I smiled and placed the ice on his chest, He jumped up but fell straight back down once again. He groaned and held tightly to his chest, I smirked and placed it back on his chest he allowed me this time and closed his eyes. Luke helped me lift him onto the sofa and then he went back to his room to finish getting changed. Meanwhile  I got Beau a drink and sat by his side. His eyes became calm when Luke disappeared. "I'm sorry April" I sighed and nodded calmly. I got up and started walking back to Lukes room. He was sat on his bed with his head in between his hands, He was crying. I slipped around his back and hugged him from behind, I pulled him down and pulled his duvet on top of us both. He rolled around and looked at me, Fear filled his eyes. 

"I'm so sorry baby"

"Dont worry about it" I kissed his nose and stroked his face.

I heard Beau call out in pain and I ran to the living room, he clutched his vest which was now blood stained, I inhaled sharply and grabbed a moist cloth and dabbed at his chest rapidly.

"I meant it you know, I want you to be mine" Luke mumbled.

"How do you mean?"I looked up concerned.

"Be my girlfriend?"

I felt the butterflies in my stomach and tears filled my eyes. I went to answer but then felt a hard tug on my head and fell uncontrollably onto Beaus chest.

“Owww” the blood was coming out of the cut much faster now, I panicked and sent Luke to call an ambulance. I looked back to Beau who sat up and whispered into my ear. “Become his girlfriend and someones going to have to pay” I threw my head back and his eyes followed my every move. Why was he saying this? Who was he to tell me what to do?

“You wouldn’t dare hu..”

“You watch sunshine” he smirked.

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