Chapter 15

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Glowing campfire shined on a group of women shuffling in a circle surrounded by men, and Grace remembered doing that same dance with Joe in the dark soon after she'd first arrived at the Ndeh camp. A feeling of warmth and acceptance flowed over her, as if she were coming home — but that word also brought waves of pain. Her soul cried out for the cabin that had once been a haven, but now was only ashes. The Ndeh had helped to heal some of those raw, gaping wounds. They had surrounded her with kindness, caring, gentleness.

Grace's spirit pulled her to the Ndeh, this way of life. If it weren't for her family, she could imagine being a part of the tribe, belonging the way Joe did to this adopted family. Cheis had offered to adopt her, so that she and Sequoyah would be blood sisters. And Joe would be a blood brother? Her feelings for Joe in no way resembled those for a brother.

"All seems to be well," Joe said beside her. "If Sequoyah were missing, they wouldn't be dancing. Want to join them?"

Grace was still too shy to take part in the dances, but when Joe dismounted and took her hand, she melted.


"Not in the group. Can we dance here?"

Joe smiled and helped her slide from Bullet's back. "Even better. A chance to be alone with you."

A bubble of joy floated up inside of her and grew until it filled her. She pushed aside all her worries, her vendetta with the Guiltless Gang, her fears for Sequoyah. Alone in the dark, with the distant drum pounding a steady, syncopated beat that echoed the excitement of her heart, Grace faced Joe and began the shuffling steps of the dance. She let the rhythm carry her and moved her body in time with the music. Joe had his eyes closed as he swayed with her, and when he opened them, moonlight revealed they were awash with love.

"Oh, Joe," she whispered.

He faltered, stopped dancing, and stared at her. Grace stumbled to a halt and gazed back. When he held open his arms, she moved into them as if under a spell. Safe in his encircling arms, she laid her head on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. The pitter-patter of her own resembled bird wings beating, struggling to fly free.

Here, surrounded by trees, a canopy of stars overhead, the scent of pine mingling with the smoke from the fire, Grace felt warm and content and loved. Peace enveloped her. All that existed was this moment. She and Joe alone together in the universe where nothing else intruded. She tilted her head up and admired his rugged profile in the moonlight, but when his eyes met hers again, she was suddenly lost, drowning in a sea of emotions she'd never felt before, strange conflicting feelings she couldn't name.


All she wanted was to be close to him, to hold him and never let go — for everything else to disappear until only one thing was left. Joe. Only Joe. She wanted to capture this moment, to keep it with her forever, to stretch it to eternity. She wished the nightmares of the past and the vengeance of the future would never interfere again.

When Joe's lips met hers, she twined her arms around his neck and kissed him. The softness of his kiss deepened, and Grace met the deepening pressure with passion. She let her lips convey the message that burned inside. She wanted to be with Joe not only this moment, but always.

He pulled back and said again shakily, "Grace?"

Torrents of desire course through her blood. Though a small voice warned she was playing with fire, Grace whispered back, "Yes." And her body echoed that desire. Yes, yes, yes.

Joe's voice was husky. "Maybe we shouldn't . . ." His words were unsteady, but his fingers were sure as he stroked her jawline and trailed a finger down her neck. Grace had never wanted anything, anyone with such a fierce desire. Inside she burned brighter than the campfire in the distance. She leaned her body against his, and he gathered her closer, tightening his arms around her until she was pressed against the length of his body.

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